Verbena (Furr - BE - nah FEH - therr - toze)

Verbena Feathertoes

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit and healthy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Verbena Was born into a poor family her father Ira left after her mother Maud passed when Verbena was ten years old. Her mother was murdered in a forest while foraging for berries, she was in significant debt and was killed as she fell short of paying that back. Verbena was full of grief for her mother and at the young age of ten had to care for her siblings. She begged on the streets until she was old enough to be a barmaid in a local tavern earning enough money to provide for her siblings.   Nearing her 18th birthday Verbena started to save every extra piece of gold copper and silver she could scrounge up for weeks. On the day before her 18th birthday, she met a small grey-haired halfling man. He had never been to this tavern she came to every day, and yet it felt like she had met him before. Continuing with her tasks she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that she had seen this man before. At the end of a long night the man had drank and eaten his fill he stood up to leave. He pulled out a lute, Wrote a note on a piece of parchment, folded it, and left 5 gold pieces and a small brass ring. He stood up and walked out of the nearly empty tavern leaving these gifts in his place. Verbena, watching him do this, walked to inspect the items, opening the note it said: "This is all I have, It's yours now Verbena, You don't deserve the same fate as her, go and don't come back here, love Ira."She picked up the lute and attempted to play a small melody.   From then on Verbena learned how to weave spells into her words and stories. She left her hometown of Featherdown and didn't look back, performing in small taverns for coin and making a name for herself. On a quiet day in a pub, she was playing in the corner of the room and a small gnomish woman introduced herself as Morgan Teyumal. Verbena was instantly bewitched by Morgan. She proposed a job to Verbena and she reluctantly accepted. They became very close and worked together for a few years verbenas love for her growing stronger every day. But never acting on her feelings out of fear she wouldn't feel the same way had its consequences.   On a journey to a small fishing town to collect some supplies, When taking camp in a cave through a cold and rainy night, asleep and unknowing verbena and her trusted companion were attacked by a starving and angry dire wolf. It was a bloody mess and any efforts To get away were difficult, terrefied she slashed at the snarling wolf and managed to kill it. But Verbena bleeding out slowly looked for Morgan and found her bloody cold and maulled body. Losing the woman who never knew she loved her more than she knew filled Verbena with overwhelming depression. Dragging her body back to a small village nearby she stayed there for a few years.

Gender Identity





No formal education.


Performance arts including stringed instruments, vocal singing and story-telling. She is not steadily employed; she performs at whim, when and where the time is right.

Mental Trauma

On a journey to a small fishing town to collect some supplies while taking camp in a cave through a cold and rainy night, asleep and unknowing Verbena and her trusted companion were attacked by a starving and angry dire wolf. It was a bloody mess and any efforts To get away were difficult, terrefied she slashed at the snarling wolf and managed to kill it. But Verbena bleeding out slowly looked for Morgan and found her bloody cold and maulled body. Losing the woman who never knew she loved her more than she knew filled Verbena with overwhelming depression. Dragging her body back to a small village nearby she stayed there for a few years.

Intellectual Characteristics

Verbena is very observant and very intelligent.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Verbena has a great instinct when it comes to performing her Bardic arts to enhance or soothe a situation.

Likes & Dislikes

Verbena does not like to reminded of her size in relation to taller species. She is irritated at flippant remarks and can be sent into a rage if anyone doubts her abilities because of her size.

Virtues & Personality perks

Verbena is dedicated to her friends and never gives up on people or projects she finds important.

Vices & Personality flaws

Verbena is known to pick fights with larger and stronger foes without abandon, especially if her foe has ridiculed her size or threatened her friends.


Verbena keeps herself clean, tidy, and hygienic.


Contacts & Relations

  • Order of Ix
  • Keesha Knight
  • Cuuthalion Strongbow
  • Cathlynn Strongbow
  • Matteu Ravenwing
  • Sken
  • Ikiri Kcarm
  • Benneth Atrellion
  • Orianna Vindicate

Family Ties

Religious Views

Agnostic Pagan


Verbena can be excitable and when she is, she asks dozens of questions and tries to engage others in discussion that which excites her.

Hobbies & Pets

Tigith, a Kleg Narian War Mastiff who is her pet and mount.

Wealth & Financial state

Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
23 Frosten 2998
Date of Death
9 Zeptember 3022
2998 RJ 3023 RJ 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Her campsite was ambushed by a party of nine Gnolls. While attempting to stab a Gnoll with her newly acquired magical Ruidium Dagger, she inadvertently stabbed herself with her own dagger and died.
Place of Death
At a campsite along the trade road roughly halfway between the Moathouse and the town of Blüm.
Current Residence
She, her, hers
Light Emerald Green
Deep Fiery Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White
18 kg
Pagan / Old Gods
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common - Fluent
  • Halfling - Fluent
  • Lankhmarian - Semi-Fluent

Articles under Verbena

Cover image: Moon Phases by Unknown


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