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Cil Audrey (Sil awdree)

A decorated Treskoti general and now a Seated Lord of the Treskotin Parliament, Cil is well respected by those under his rule over Hamdell, and hasn't had issues with royalists since the death of the king. There is however, a significant number of New Treskotins in his territory. Even with his best officer, Urzak Murr, nearly always fighting on the Eastern front to push into the Lost Continent, many believe he still isn't doing enough to stop the fighting. That he should be doing everything in his power to end the bloodshed. Fighting on the battlefield himself and conscripting beast kin and Ratfolk. This is all despite a period of unpresidented peace on the southern border of Trekotis since he has been put in charge of the defense from the dead bridge.
While this support for conscription is found to be mildly concerning, his new advisor assures him this is common enough around the Galaxy, and is sure even the other seated members are dealing with similar issues. Telling him it will all blow over and a power vacuum like this will cause much more noise than real unrest. With these calming words from a friend, he turns his eyes away from the threatening letters and reports of military arms being stolen. He thanks Ivan for the advise and questions if it would be simpler if he were still only worried about commanding his army. Three years since he's become a Seated Lord, and nearly a year since the royal family were all killed or vanished, but he remembers his years campaigning like they were yesterday and all the men befriended and fallen. He was one of the best commanders alive, was he doing more for Treskotis in an administrative role?
His Grandmother founded House Audrey through tense debate and many hours of discussion and explanation to assist the royal family at the time in not getting into a war with both Pyre Glaa and Afrea. For this, her and her descendants would be given titles and a seat as advisor. The advisor position was soon replaced with elected seats of parliament, who in turn keep advisors, leaving the royal family as effectively a few inherited seats of parliament. The Audrey family however, has found itself back in charge of Brassia, the territory originally granted to Cil Audrey's Grandmother, and the seat of power in the region, Hamdell, which has grown significantly since Cil's grandmother held power and Hamdell was merely a villiage. Brassia now boasts the largest military in Treskotis, since the royal family is gone and their ranks have been dwindling. 


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