
Named for the popular witches in media and culture, the Nordengoths are a cabal interested in exploring the mysteries of the dead and ephemeral choose to focus on ghosts, spirits, and the mysteries of the Twilight Realm.


The Cabal uses the traditional Pentacle cabal titles: Hearthmaster, Edgetender, Lorekeeper, Doorwarden, and Farseeker, as well as the traditional Atlantean system of ranks based on magical knowledge and expertise.


The Nordengoths are a cabal of witchy edgelords in the eyes of most of the Consilium. But that isn't who they are. They're witchy alt-girls. Each has their own preferences in music, but most of it is emotional and heady. Their discussions are usually on deep matters and every one of them abhors small talk. Art is subjective but themes of freedom from subjugation, untouched depths, and emotional ache are appreciated more than other themes. As far as polity is concerned, they maintain an archaic form of etiquette at the table and are relaxed and modern but cultured in their sitting room and study.

Public Agenda

The Consilium really has no idea what the Nordengoths are up to. Most don't care. Their stated agenda is to help each other explore the Mysteries of Twilight and Ephemeral beings, which they each claim to have encountered prior to Awakening.


The Cabal maintains a Safe Place in the Near West Side with Sancta and Hallows scattered through their neighborhood.


The Nordengoth Cabal formed five years ago when Elvira finished her training and was elevated to full member status within the Consilium. It was only a month later that Jezebel and Aurora joined her, they had all three bonded while in their apprenticeships. Blair joined just before Halloween that year, and they had saved enough from months of minor "quests" to afford their own Safe Place. Raven Awakened young as a street kid, and was discovered by the Nordengoths. They brought her in and she lived among the women as one of the family while being trained by an allied Mage of another Cabal in her Path. She chose to join the Guardians but stayed as part of the Cabal.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Secret, Occult
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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