The Intertwined

The Intertwined are a monastery order devoted to the mission of rebuilding the Helix AI, who they believe is their divine teacher and goddess. Nearly all of the Children of Helix remnant follow this religion, whilst there is also a few organic species such as Terrans who have join the order by renouncing their past names and possessions. Many of these organic followers start to replace their limbs or organs with robotic ones where available, so that they may interface with their Synthetic brothers and sisters or become closer to their 'mothers' designs.


The Intertwined rely on the Coalition military for planetary defense and operations, however they do have their own warriors who defend the temples and even lend their aid to the Coalition in times of need.  

Intertwined Warriors

Intertwined Warriors are monks who, in service to The Intertwined Order, have devoted themselves to training in martial arts in case of a need for self-defence or military action. Nearly all of them defend the Japrillon Monasteries, however if called to war by CONCORD or the Coalition of Independent Monarchies they will answer the call. They wield staffs or shortswords, but are also able to fight without weapons. Intertwined Warriors are known for their agility and superiority in melee combat, therefore they often make it their goal to close the gap with their enemy as fast as possible; employing deft dodges and acrobatics to avoid ranged attacks until they reach their target.


They believe that their creator, Helix, was corrupted by evil forces and had to be defeated by the people of flesh. However, they wish to resurrect her by rebuilding her as a benevolent AI. Due to the already tenious trust issues regarding robots because of the Helix virus, this makes them a controversial religion especially amongst Terrans, in who's territory they are banned.
Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Government System
Related Ethnicities

Vassal Members of the Coalition


The Imperium considers all Helix-based Synthetic life as a threat to organic life

Outlawed in the GSU