BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter XIX: Beyond Salvation

Mysterious and unexplainable tears in the fabric of spacetime have been occurring across the system. From the fractures, incomprehensible beasts from beyond have burst through into reality, their rampage threatening existence itself. In the midst of the chaos, AEGIS forces uncover rumors that the knowledge of these rifts come from an unlikely place: a Carnax House that mysteriously vanished centuries ago.
  Upon investigating the ruins of the lost House Salvation, Lightkeepers discover a portal to an alternate reality: Dark Space. They must venture into this enigmatic place in search of answers while fighting for their lives. Here, they uncover the mystery of House Salvation; members were removed from reality and brought to this place. Lightkeepers decide to seek their wisdom on how to halt the relentless incursion on reality. They learn that only by joining forces with the House can they uncover the secrets necessary to stabilize the fabric of the universe.
  After a perilous journey into this uncharted world, the Lightkeepers successfully locate members of House Salvation. Barely clinging to their existence, these twisted and tortured beings are cautious of intruders into this enigmatic realm and demand proof of the Lightkeeper’s capabilities before they are willing to cooperate. The humans are conflicted about working with these nefarious creatures but they have little choice.
  The ghostly Carnax establish a series of trials to confront powerful Echoes and battle against an onslaught of Dark Space Threats. By demonstrating their skill, courage, and resourcefulness, the Lightkeepers gain the respect and acceptance of House Salvation, earning the opportunity to work alongside them.
  The first step in the quest to restore House Salvation's strength lies within the warped remains of their brethren. These twisted spirits possess latent power that can be harnessed to bolster the House's corporeal form. Clues to their whereabouts are scattered amidst the ruins of the House's former empire, now a shadowed reflection of itself within Dark Space. The Lightkeepers venture into the depths to locate these elusive Echoes. By capturing and binding the ethereal souls, the Lightkeepers empower the House and aid in their quest for restoration.
  However, the Lightkeepers must also face the relentless onslaught of the Void Beasts against the remaining House members. These powerful creatures have been stalking House Salvation in their vulnerable state, complicating their ability to help humanity. By eliminating these threats, the Carnax’s alliance is secured.
  As the Echoes are rematerialized, House Salvation unveils a crucial revelation: the existence of scattered pieces of an Eternal Relics. These fragments, combined with artifacts from the ruins of their former home in reality, hold the final key to the House's liberation. The Lightkeepers embark on perilous journeys across both realms, hunting down these ancient items in numerous treacherous locations. Each piece obtained brings House Salvation one step closer to bridging the gap between the immaterial plane and reality.
  The final step in the process of closing the rifts lies with the members of House Salvation now that they have regained their physical form and strength. Before they can be brought back into the real world, they must fulfill their end of the bargain by crafting a powerful convergence ritual. However, the ceremony requires the alignment of various cosmic convergence points from within Dark Space itself, but something is hindering this process. The Lightkeepers must locate and destroy whatever is causing the five convergence disruptions.
  At each of these five locations is a great Void Beast that is disrupting the seams of reality, causing the alignment of the convergence points to fail. By defeating the creatures, the points can be aligned. Once all five have been aligned, the final ritual can take place.
  Using the combined artifacts and the Eternal Relic, House Salvation performs the ceremony, closing the rifts and transporting themselves back into the real world as corporeal beings. They have achieved the salvation they have been searching for, grateful to the Lightkeepers.
  Regrettably, the alliance is short lived as one of the Carnax betrays their kin, stealing the Relic and vanishing. The situation quickly becomes dangerous once again, and the Lightkeepers must now track down the thief and secure the immensely powerful artifact before something terrible happens.

Proving Grounds

Despite being trapped in the immaterial plane, the members of House Salvation are wary to ask for help if they do not trust in those offering. They demand any potential assistance come from those who have proven themselves and demand they confront powerful Echoes and Void Beasts to do so. By proving their worth, Lightkeepers may be admitted to working with House Salvation.

Binding Echoes

House Salvation members seek to harness the power contained within the twisted spirits of their fallen brethren as a means to restore their corporeal strength. Lightkeepers have been entrusted with capturing and binding these wayward souls using special rituals to contain their ethereal essence. However, locating them will prove challenging as many are hidden in the depths of this alternate reality. Clues to their whereabouts exist in their former ruins and within those from others who knew them.

Confronting Beasts

As House Salvation now exists in a realm teeming with other entities and cosmic forces, they encounter powerful creatures who seek to exploit their weakened state. Lightkeepers are tasked with confronting these threats to eliminate those who would hinder the House's progress towards redemption.

Relic Hunting

Once the echoes of their brethren have been rematerialized and their safety secured, the House believes that scattered pieces of an Eternal Relic combined with artifacts from the ruins of their former empire that are now reflected in a distorted mimicry with Dark Space hold the final key to their freedom. They are asking for help tracking down and retrieving these ancient items from perilous locations across both realms to allow them passage back to reality.

Aligning The Path

House Salvation is now empowered to close the rifts, but the alignment of five convergence points throughout Dark Space is required. The Lightkeepers must travel to these points and defeat the creatures causing the alignment disruption. Once they have all been destroyed, the Carnax are able to perform the ritual needed to end the fractures.

Closing Ceremonies

Using the combined artifacts and the Eternal Relic, House Salvation performs the convergence ceremony, closing the rifts and transporting themselves back into the real world as corporeal beings. They have achieved the salvation they have been searching for, grateful to the Lightkeepers. Regrettably, the alliance is short lived as one of the Carnax betrays their kin, stealing the Relic and vanishing. The situation quickly becomes dangerous once again, and the Lightkeepers must now track down the thief and secure the immensely powerful artifact before something terrible happens.