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Dark Space

See Dark Space
IV: Season of the Abyss

  Also known as “the space between space”, Dark Space is an alternate dimension to the reality of the universe that survives beyond all known boundaries of existence, transcending conventional time and space. It is a haunting and enigmatic domain born from The Endless War eons ago.   Dark Space is a desolate wasteland where the echoes of long-forgotten battles linger, and the very fabric of existence is distorted and fragmented, eternally sealed from the universe by The Caretaker.   Within this hazardous realm are the shattered remnants of a once-mighty civilization where forgotten artifacts and untold secrets await discovery. It is an incredibly dangerous zone of vast emptiness punctuated by bursts of chaotic energy, containing hidden pockets of exotic matter, powerful anomalies, and monstrous creatures.   Players can access Dark Space through certain artifacts such as the Nexus Keys that create fractures in reality for a limited time. While access to Dark Space is rare and perilous, those who dare to venture into its depths have the opportunity to discover hidden knowledge, powerful energy sources, or even confront ancient cosmic beings that dwell within.   Dark Space’s fragmented nature can cause the environment to distort unpredictably and landscapes can suddenly shift, disrupting navigation systems and making traversal disorienting. The absence of light and celestial landmarks alters perception, physics become unreliable, temporal rifts can disrupt the flow of time, and encounters with unknown enemies and other phenomena can have catastrophic consequences. Prolonged exposure to the energies of Dark Space can overwhelm the human mind, leading to metaphysical disintegration.   Mimicking beings from the real world, Echoes are corrupted reflections of beings from reality trapped in a state of tormented inversion. They flicker in and out of existence, ready to mindlessly assault any intruder into Dark Space.   Nightmarish entities that dwell within the depths of the realm called Void Beasts. Born of chaotic energies, they are aberrations of form and essence, twisted and distorted in ways that defy conventional perception. These eldritch creatures are extremely dangerous as they do not just cause physical damage but can rend tears in reality itself.   Sentinels and Lanterns are remnants of The Endless War. They stand watch over certain areas of Dark Space. With various abilities and strengths, these powerful guardians pose a significant threat to anyone that comes across them.