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Luna ARC Events

Luna has become subjected to intense meteor showers in the past few decades. ARC Events on the moon are meteorite barrages that strike the surface in various sizes, causing a wide array of destruction. Before meteors hit the surface, an impact marker is shown on the ground to alert players to avoid the area.   Five minutes before the storm, the sky begins to fill with bright, twinkling specs. Small meteors can be seen streaking across the sky every few seconds. Particles will also begin rising from the ground as well. Once the event begins, meteors strike the surface ranging from one meter wide to five meters wide.  


Meteors will not strike solid structures, so players can safely hide below them while the storm passes overhead.  

Class I Meteor Shower

Class I Meteor Showers last five minutes.The warning that appears on player’s Action Feed one minute before the event starts reads “Warning: Class I Meteor Shower imminent. Take shelter.”.   Meteors strike almost anywhere on the Map, so players will need to remain mobile and highly vigilant. Before meteors hit the surface, their size is determined and the area where it will impact displays a warning animation for five seconds. A meteor between 1-2 meters wide will strike a random location within five meters of the player every 10-12 seconds.   Players should avoid these areas at all costs, however if they happen to be in the area where a meteor strikes, they are dealt (Max SP + Max HP) * .1 Concussive damage, (Max SP + Max HP) * .1 Ballistic damage, and 100 Force damage.  

Class II Meteor Shower

Class II Meteor Showers are longer and far more dangerous but have greater rewards. They last ten minutes before dissipating. The warning that appears on player’s Action Feed one minute before the event starts reads “Warning: Class II Meteor Shower imminent. Evacuation advised.”.   Like Class I showers, meteors will strike locations across the map as well as a random location within 5 meters of any player. However, Class II meteors strike with a higher frequency, every 8-10 seconds. They are also larger at 2-3 meters wide.   Being hit by a Class II meteor results in (Max SP + Max HP) * .125 Concussive damage, (Max SP + Max HP) * .125 Ballistic damage, and 100 Force damage. Additionally, they also inflict the Dazed status.