The Ortus Uprising


1004 3A

"It is my opinion that this "Ortus" is a grave threat to the safety and security of Aeraguard and the Province of Forelenium. However, he is a threat I can handle." -Legate Savio Pentro in a report to Legion High Command, a week before his death

Over the course of several months in the summer of 1004 3A, the city of Aeraguard fell into near total chaos due to the influence of a rebel now known as "Ortus."   Ortus began his uprising by assassinating the Military Governor of the Province, Emiliano Volta, in broad daylight during the first day of the traditional summer games. He spoke to a massive part of the population, declaring that he would bring back ancient Forelenium as a new state and drive out the Tharrisians. He then incited a massive riot that was barely put down by the Legate of the cities garrison legion.   Over the next month or so, the situation would only deteriorate. Governor Volta's daughter, the next in line for Provincial Governorship, would vanish. Legate Savio Pentro would take nominal control of the city, but would face the rebellion with open and aggressive clamping down of citizen and provinciales rights, as well as violent suppression of protests; driving more support for Ortus. His reign would end towards the end of the crisis, when he was killed by a group of local agitators that were unrelated to Ortus or his efforts.   Before his death Pentro considered the crisis out of control to the degree that he called for support from the 16th Legion in Domus Novus under Legate Nimbath Yakir   The crisis culminated on the day of the Summer Equinox. The 16th Legion arrived as planned, and found itself immediately under attack from a mixture of Ortus followers and now rebelling Legion and Auxilia troops who had thrown in with the rebel leader. This included the massive 800mm cannon that was intended for defense against full-scale invasions and air dreadnoughts. Further, it seemed Ortus was an extremely skilled mage, and was preparing to cast a ritual of massive proportions.   Records are inconsistent. But it's generally agreed upon that Ortus and the crisis were not ended by the 16th Legion's timely use of its new armored Cohort. Instead, it seems that a loose alliance of gangs and other city organizations was responsible for stopping the ritual and killing Ortus.   This loose alliance was led by a gang known as "The Northsiders" who were instrumental in the alliances formation and the final defeat of Ortus.   The city of Aeraguard was heavily damaged in the uprising, with casualties in the thousands; not accounting for the refugee crisis caused by the rebellion.   In the aftermath, the Northsiders, who were known criminals, were pardoned by a reappearing Lalia Volta, Military Governor Volta's daughter, who then became the next Governor of Forelenium.   There was a large rebuilding and recovery effort led by the Impero Tharrisian for the city; both as a sign of good faith to its citizens and Provinciales, but also due to Aeraguard's strategic importance as a manufacturing hub in the East.   The Federated Union of Eastern Kalin would offer its condolences and send a not-insignificant amount of monetary aid to the city; but would also use the Uprising as an example of how Tharrisian rule chaffed its citizens to the point of desperation.

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