The Domus Novus "Quaking Earth" Incident

Disaster / Destruction

1006 3A

"The events in Domus Novus are a tragedy. We are firmly dedicated to sending what aid we can to our eastern provincial neighbor, and hope that all responsible for this tragedy are brought to justice. Shamanism and spirit worship are accepted and embraced by many Impero citizens, but cannot be used as a shield for such a crime. I know in my heart our fellow citizens who worship the spirits will join us in an effort to rebuild." -Forelenium Governor Lalia Volta

In the Summer of 1006 3A, the city of Domus Novus was subject to what was at first thought to be a natural earthquake.   The earthquake seemed focused on the city's industrial sector, and saw several factories collapse and three massive fires to break out within about five minutes from the earthquake start. The fires began to spread to nearby housing streets, and the quake just continued to spread from the industrial sector until it had spread through the whole city and nearby towns and villages.    Despite the chaos, the Earthquake did not subside as natural ones would. It seemed to only get worse. A group of Schola Custodi teleported to the sight and discovered a group of Shamans and Druids near the quake, channeling the energies of the earth to create the disaster.   A brief but brutal fight broke out, resulting in the deaths of all six Shamans and Druids; as well as two Custodi. The quake finally subsided as a result.   The disaster resulted in massive property damage, and the deaths of over 2000 people in the city; along with many times that in injuries.    A Custodi investigation of the crime discovered that all six magical terrorists were members of The Order of the Wind and Wood. They had left a manifesto decrying the increasing industrialization of the continent and the harm to the natural world that resulted.   The international community was outraged by the attack. Even the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin sent aid and support in response.

Related Location
Domus Novus
Related timelines & articles
History of Kalin