Star Pact Organization in Ninurta Galaxy | World Anvil

Star Pact

In the Starfinder universe, the Pact World Alliance is a formidable interstellar organization that is dedicated to the preservation of freedom and democracy throughout the galaxy. This alliance is made up of seven core worlds, each of which has its own unique culture and history.   The Pact World Alliance is based on the principles of exploration, cooperation, and mutual defense. It has a highly advanced military and scientific research division, which is responsible for exploring new worlds, studying alien cultures, and defending the Pact Worlds from threats both internal and external.   The Pact World Alliance is made up of highly trained and skilled individuals who are dedicated to their mission of protecting the galaxy from harm. They use advanced technology and weaponry to achieve their goals, and are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of exploration and scientific discovery.   Despite their impressive military might, the Pact World Alliance also places great emphasis on diplomacy and negotiation. They have established diplomatic relations with many other species and civilizations, and are always seeking to expand their network of allies and friends.   The Pact World Alliance is known for its technological innovations, which are often at the forefront of galactic development. They are always seeking to push the boundaries of what is possible, and are constantly exploring new ways to improve their technology and capabilities.   As with any organization, the Pact World Alliance has its share of challenges and enemies. They are often targeted by hostile alien civilizations and rogue elements within their own organization, who seek to undermine the values of freedom and democracy that they hold dear. Despite these challenges, the Pact World Alliance remains committed to their mission, and will continue to defend the galaxy against all threats.   The alliance itself came about with the increase in the Vesk military threat.


The military situation for Star Pact is strong and for some over bearing. They occupy the galaxy keeping order where they can. Unfortunately do to the Galactic war they have become scattered and lack appropriate communications. What's more the military has various black operations that operations that operate outside of the law.


  • The authority of the senate, than the authority of the planet.
  • All citizens hold a right to life, healthcare, freedom of speech, and protection. Provided they can be provided.

New Worlds We Trust.

Alliance, Military
Training Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Galactic Credits


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