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Koko, the Dragon Princess

Dragon Princess Koko Montgomery Garmadon (a.k.a. Lady Dragon, The Dragon Princess, The Daughter of Faith, The Protector, The Dragon Ninja)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a powerful frame and stands tall, towering over most race with ease.

Identifying Characteristics

A few small, slightly scarlet horns grow out on Kokos back, a sign for her heritage as the daughter of the Mother of Dragons.

Special abilities

Dragon form - the ability to take on the shape of a humanoid or full blown dragon   Light Blast - fires a ball of pure energy which is extremly dagerous to evil presences   Super Speed - can fly and run at super sonic speeds   Reflect - can reflect most projectile back at shooter.   Invincibility - invincible until the focus is broken   Blade Fire - The user sets their weapon ablze causing double damage on everything except a soeone with armour that absorbs fire.   Rock Defense - Summons a barrier of thick rock stoping attacks.   Holy Blast - A pure blast of energy that damages anything in its path. Especially dangerous to Dragons.   Chaos Shield - makes a powerful shield which prevents attacks but weakens the user.   Mirror Image - creates a certain amount of copies of the user.   Cure - heals a nearby single ally slowly.   Cure Curtain - shrouds the area in a curtain which cures all nearby allys   Heal - dispells any negative magic effects   Shadow Domain - makes every nerby ally vanish in a cloak of shadows   Speed Restore - quickly regenerates a single nearby ally   Restoration Blast - fully cures all nearby allies   Dark Magic - opens both claws wide as possible and the enemy it aims for is assaulted by multiple invisable blasts.   Storm of Vengence - blood rains from the sky temporarily draining all nearby enemies   Dark Blast - fires a ball of negative energy which heavily damages any good presence close   Infernos - towers of flame burst through the ground.   Raging Fires - fires pours from the sky   Corrosive Breath - fires a special type of acid which destroys buildings, armour ect. doesn't harm organic material   Lightning Bolt - fires a pure blast of electricity. works very well on any and all water type creatures   Ice Blast - freezes person in block and can kill fire creatures if used properly. May only freeze parts of body.   Star Fire - a medium size meteriod falls from the sky colliding into a selected target.   Lightening Fire - fires a blast of fire like an ordinary fireball but a lightening bolt hits it. The Lightening Fire projectile can be a very offensive attack but can hurt the user.   Phoenix Flame - The most powerful fire attack. The fire of the Phoenix Flame can burn for hours and can do serious amounts of damage.   Energy Drain - Steals energy from target and adds it to the user.   Meteor Swarm - extremly powerful, damages everything in the area including the user.   Poisonous Rage - pools of poison seep up through the ground and encircle all enemies before poisoning them. Deals ore damage the longer it touched you.   Death Symbol - ultimate dark magic spell. The user slashes at the air and creates a glowing sybol. The symbol destroys all in front of it.   Gate - summons an extremley powerful Demon which attacks all it see's even the conjerur. Descendent    Shadow Blaze - the area turns so black you cant see your hand 1cm from your face. In the shadows lurk monsterous beasts which wont hurt the user, everything else is a tasty snack for these creature

Apparel & Accessories

She wears a black battle armor, a crown on her head, and has a unique armor that has a quiver attach to it.

Specialized Equipment

Silver Sword, Bow and arrows, and sometimes even the Dragonblade if needed

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Secret Dragon Ninja

Intellectual Characteristics

Practical, Loyalty, Empathy, Organization, Outgoing, Sensitivity, Agreeableness, Caring, Concerns about social status, Conscientious, Dependability, Extraversion, Good at connecting with others, Seeking approval, Sense of duty


Koko, the Dragon Princess

Soulmate (Important)

Towards Lord Garmadon



Lord Garmadon

Soulmate (Vital)

Towards Koko, the Dragon Princess




Despite being complete opposites in many ways and enemies even at first, so those has love and passion found its way to bring those two together which even led to the birth of their son and one of the only Drakoni alive, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. And even if the both of them now live their separate lifes, they still have contact and meet up once a month in an unknown place and both of them keep a watchful eye on their beloved son.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Dragon, The Dragon Princess, The Daughter of Faith, The Protector, The Dragon Ninja
Date of Birth
27th of Onirodrago 1468
Lord Garmadon (Soulmate)
emerald green
middle long, orange, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white slightly tanned
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Draconic, Human Language, Onigo

Character Portrait image: by joshuad17


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