Wallacian Campaign Session #14

General Summary

Southwest Wallacia
Flashback to last week's session, since Ruu's player was out:   When the party detoured to examine the newly-claimed Cragmaw Castle, Ruu used his stonemason skills to estimate how much it would cost to repair both the castle and the ruined bridge over. In his opinion, it would cost about 2,000 gold to repair the castle. Most of the displaced stonework from the upper levels are still on site, having simply fallen to the sides of the ruin. This should save a lot of time and effort. Ruu estimate that repairing the one-lane bridge should take less stone; however, most of the missing stone has washed downstream over the centuries, and is unrecoverable. This stone will need to be carved and fitted from scratch, costing about 2,000 gold in total for the bridge. The party decided to repair the bridge first, as they could charge tolls to cross it, raising money to repair the castle later.
After the initial meeting with the Countess, Ruu hung back to speak privately with her. He explained his issues with losing control of his link to shadow realm. The Countess replied that while she never had that problem, she was aware of others who did. Although usually the problems becomes progressively worse until the spellcaster eventually dies, she said that she has heard of one who learned to master the link to the shadows.   Apparently the Countess does not know this individual personally, as she said she needs to pass a request to them through intermediaries. She said that the password "rosewood" would be used to authenticate any messages coming directly from the shadow-mage to Ruu.   Ruu then met with some of the dwarves who were finishing up work on the new Blackrock aqueduct. They said that they might be interested in working to repair the Cragmaw Chasm bridge after they finish the aqueduct, and said that Ruu should contact them again in the spring.   Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...   While Cressidien and the Countess went to the Blackrock Mage Academy to repair his magic dagger, Koravhik went in search of Nikola Tolk. He eventually tracked him down in an establishment of questionable virture called the Siren's Call at the dead end of an alleyway. After bribing the barkeep, Koravhik gained access to a backroom where Nikola was playing cards with a number of other men, each garbed as a nobleman with a bodyguard (or two) standing against the walls behind them.   When Nikola recognized Koravhik, he whispered to one of his guards "That's him." The guard then left the room through another exit. Koravhik then verbally insulted Nikola, accusing him of misconduct and dishonor. When the various bodyguards began to step forward, Koravhik then quickly backed out of the room and left the building. His path down the alley was blocked, however, but four thugs armed with clubs.   The thugs announced that Koravhik needed to be taught to "know his place" and to "respect his betters". The thugs were not dissuaded when Koravhik used his rune-magic to grow in size, and proceeded to try to beat their lesson into him. Although it was a close fight, the thugs out-numbered Koravhik. He was able to drop one of his opponents, then pushed past them to run away. Severely beaten themselves, the thugs chose not to pursue. Instead, they threw their clubs after him, and shouted that he had better learn his lesson this time.   Koravhik then found an old army buddy of his who let him stay in a storeroom of a barracks to lick his wounds. This meant that he was not at the fencing academy later that afternoon with the rest of the party.   A few hours after Cressidien returned to the Fencing Academy, he and the rest of the party (minus Koravhik) were summoned up to the office of the Countess. This time she id not greet the party warmly. Instead, the Countess sat with her hands folded on the desk in front of her. When her assistant closed the door, the lamp on the wall sconce burst into magical flame. Then the windows, which were open to the courtyard below, sudden grew dark, and all sound of the swordplay below was silenced. The Countess made no discernable somatic or verbal spell components when this happened.   She said "I was given to understand that your group could be relied upon to be discreet. However, I am disappointed to learn that this might not be true. Rumors have filled the Westport docks about how Iarno and Sildar have been working covertly for the crown in the province of Thundertree. There are additional rumors of a newly-discovered dwarven ruin. The ruin is said to be clear of monsters and ready to claim, including a functional Spell Forge inside. I am sure that your friends the Rockseeker brothers will not be pleased with a stampede of new visitors."   "These rumors did not come to me directly. Instead, the rumors have reached the King's palace." she added, gesturing to up to the top of the cliffs. "And as you know, 'Shit flows downhill'. I will now need to spend much of the evening attending meetings at the palace. And I hate attending meetings at the palace."   The Countess continued "My offer regarding Agatha remains in effect. Perhaps my faith in your discretion can be restored. However, if I hear any rumors about my involvement in the activities of Iarno or Sildar, or any rumors concerning the Grimoire of the Ebon Rose, I will not be 'disappointed'. Instead, I will be greatly 'displeased'. Now if you will excuse me, I need to head to palace. You may continue staying here as my guests until you have completed your business in town."   The party returned to their rooms. When Koravhik returned later, they confronted him about his "loose lips" when he got drunk back in Westport. They decided to leave in the morning to start their journey to see Agatha in the ruins of Conyberry. They also decided to send a letter to Sildar warning him of the rumors which have been spread about both him and the Rockseeker brothers new home. The trip to Westport passed uneventfully.   That night at the Eager Mule, a young woman approached Ruu and asked if he was Ruu Dawnhammer. When he replied that he was, the young woman said that she had a package for him, and asked him to sign for it. He did so, and she handed him a small package wrapped in coarse brown paper and bound in twine. Opening the package, he found a small rosewood jewelry box. Inside the box he found a silver ring with a large green gem stone and a short note:  
Be alone at sunset.
Wear the ring.
  Ruu followed the directions, going to his room at the inn just before sunset. It was a clear day in Westport, with cool dry air moving in from the north giving the first hints of autumn. About an hour after sunset, with the black sky visible through the small window, Ruu noticed that the ring started to vibrate. Standing up, he was caught by surprise when the room around was replaced by impenetrable darkness. His stomach lurched as though he was falling, and his ears were suddenly under pressure. A wave of warm, humid air blew across his face. Losing his balance, he stumbled to floor of an unfamiliar room.   Scrambling to his feet, Ruu saw a small raised platform in front of him in the dimly lit room. An empty tall back chair sat on the platform, with a small table next to it. Turning to his right, much of the wall was comprised of tall windows, each shuttered tight to block out the light. Only small transom shutters above the main windows were open, revealing a pink sunset sky. Turning to examine the rest of the room, he found closed double-doors were behind him when he appeared in the room, while a long side table was on the wall to the left, across from the shuttered windows. Turning back to the chair, Runn found there was now a female figure sitting in it.   The slender woman was clad in dark clothing, with a her head shrouded by a hooded cloak. Although Ruu can see easily in the dark due to his shadow-spawned abilities, the cloak hid her face in complete blackness. The woman's head was turned towards a wine glass in her hand. As she regarded her drink, she said "If you are the person I am expecting, you have been touched by darkness. Show me." The black void where her face should be now turned towards Ruu. Ruu responding by casting a darkness spell.   The woman responded "Excellent! What name will you be known as while you are here?"   "Ruu"   "An unusual pseudonym, but as you wish 'Ruu'. You may call me...Nightshade."   Nightshade then led Ruu through a series of spell-casting exercises till darkness began to overcome him, then led him with exercises to rein the rampant shadow power back under his control. When the training was over, she revealed that she was wearing a ring identical to the one which brought Ruu here. When she removed it from her hand, Ruu's ring disappeared, and he was teleported back to his room in Westport. This time, expecting the effects, he was able to maintain his balance.
While Ruu had gone to his room at the inn before sunset, the rest of the party was down in the Eager Mule's common room enjoying some drinks. They were approached by a human woman in her late 20's who asked "Excuse me, but are you The Scurry?" When they said that is one of the names they go by, she introduced herself as Mirna Dendrar. She explained that her family once owned an apothecary shop in Thundertree. Her family fled he city when the Ash Mounts erupted, leaving behind most of their belongings. Based on the party's exploits in the province of Thundertree, she believes that they are capable of retrieving a family heirloom they left in a strongbox in their old shop.   Although Mirna was born after the family resettled in Westport, her parents explained to her the layout of the their old shop, and where the strongbox was hidden. She offered the rest of the box's contents to the party if they promised to return a necklace that was stored there. The party agreed to her request.

Rewards Granted

Each player earned 100 XP.   Ruu was trained how to control his link to the shadow realm.

Quests Started

Retrieve an emerald heirloom necklace from abandoned apothecary shop in the ruins of Thundertree.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters


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