Moldrin Torsheld

Highpriest Moldrin Torsheld was the head of the Erathis temple in Barad. He died in the cause of the Battle of Barad, sacrificing his life to contain the effects of an bomb attack, buying the resistance crucial time to strengthen their defenses. He was succeed by Markus Solfuß.   Moldrin Torsheld grew up in Ikan and joined the Army of Ikan at a young age. He quickly rose through the ranks and became an Officer, wildly respected by his Soldiers. After a distratrous offiensive by Ikan in Albrien in an attempt to intervene in the Splitter War he resigned from active duty.   He found solace in and purpose in his devotion to Erathis. Once again he quickly rose through the ranks of the institution until he was offered the position of the Highpriest in Barad.
Year of Death
1000 ai
Circumstances of Death
Battle of Barad


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