Marri'Elle Childermass Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Marri'Elle Childermass


Born to loving parents Keyra, her Elven mother, and Samson Childermass, her human father, Marri'Elle grew up in Settlestone, a peaceful village north of the Evermoors. She was an angry child and her parents did their best to to curb her anger. It was going well, her parents bought her to the village temple every other day. And it was there that Marri'Elle met Masego Davith, another Half-elf, barely older than her acolyte of the temple.   The pair got on like house on fire, from playing hide-and-seek to finding shapes in the clouds, until the tender age of 12 when Marri'Elle's temper couldn't be contained anymore. She flew into a rage when a neighborhood kid broke her favorite wooden toy. She broke his arm and then proceeded to attack anyone who attempted to calm her. This, naturally, caused the village to turn on her, -except for Masego, who thrashed against his mother's arms, begging them to stop- and with other, albeit, minor incidents, she was exiled.  

Clan Clawbone

Forced into the woods, she developed hunting skills, fishing, catching small animals. This continued until she met a group of Half-Orcs from the Clawbone tribe camping in the Savage Frontier. Marri'Elle, tired of being alone, offered her sack of food for spending the night amongst them. The half-orcs, seeing this sad child and sensing her untamed anger, laughed quietly and invited her to join them. It was with them that she learned understand and channel her rage. She was taught to become close with nature and the beasts of the forest, especially bears and formed strong bonds with clan Clawbone.   On one occasion, as the clan was settling down for a night's rest, she heard an agonizing scream coming from deeper into the forest. Taking another with her, they ventured to the source where they found a broken and bloodied body, currently being devoured by a tiger. The pair quickly slew the beast. Seeing no other danger, the Half-Orc began dragging the tiger body back to camp so they could prepare and eat it Marri'Elle stayed with the unfortunate prey, whom she discovered was a female human, setting up a pyre. As she continued, a rustling came from the bushes. Immediately drawing her weapon, she braced herself. When a man, very similar looking to the dead woman, climbed out. He, after taking in the fact that Marri'Elle was almost soaked in blood and the state of the body behind her, opened fire, shouting that she'd killed his sister.   The two battled, the barbarian slashing at him and the wizard unleashing spells on her. Until she threw him against a tree, knocking the caster out. Inches from dealing the final blow, Marri'Elle struggled not to take his life when a hand came upon her shoulder. Wrenching herself free, she saw it was the head of the clan, Zeevarth Strongskull, with the rest in tow. She was lead away, back to camp while another member made sure the human was alive and brought somewhere safe.   Still holding a grudge against her village, one day she decided to prove them wrong about her, “A child without control, dangerous and wild. You cannot be trusted.” Marri'Elle bid her clan goodbye for now and headed out to the nearest city. In Neverwinter, she wondered around, clutching the furs donning her. Walking into a bar, she heard talk about a cart needing protection. Going up to the dwarf, she offered her services. The dwarf, Gundren Rockseeker, graciously accepted her.  

The Demon

Once, while picking flowers in a meadow, Marri'Elle saw a tall figure with red skin and horns wandering not far from her. The light around its horns seemed to darken to near pitch black. She froze, paralyzed with fear. The demon turned its head and its crimson eyes caught hers. Marri'Elle was overcome with dread and terror. As the beast turned to face her, she regain enough composure to flea in fear. In an effort to purge it from her mind, she vowed never to speak of that moment.   Several years later, Marri'elle and her party were traveling south from Neverwinter towards the Sunset Mountains. About a day's journey outside of Waterdeep, they came upon a village of woman preparing for a ceremonious ritual. The ritual soon turned dark as it appeared two young girls were going to be sacrificed. In the center of the ceremony atop the fire pit, a tall figure with red skin and horns materialized in the flames. The light around its horns seems to darken to near pitch black. It's molten red eyes pierced through the darkness, giving Marri'Elle a familiar sense of dread. She wavered for a moment, but steeled her resolve. She engaged the monster, but remnants of fear within her tempered her attacks. With the help of her friends, they defeated the demon but at great cost; before its demise, the demon slayed the majority of the village.