Reginald Wonteby Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Reginald Wonteby

The Thunder Boomer

Born and raised in Thundertree ago and was always fascinated by the power and beauty of thunderstorms. He often acted brave during these storms to help his timid sister while they were growing up. Around 20 years of age, a hoard of undead attacked his small town, and with the guidance from a powerful deity called the Talos the Storm Lord, he was able to evacuate the town while fending off some of the undead, becoming a hero in the sight of everyone. Enjoying the praise, he set out to train and learn more about the Stormlord, eventually returning to his home area to become the hero everyone, and himself, hoped he would be. He and his sister moved to Neverwinter after the attack on Thundertree where he met a fellow adventurer, Leslie, who befriended his sister and helped her after the traumatic experience, and on a few occasions joined Reginald in his new exploits of becoming a Hero, although his ways of doing things at times were a bit too much for her.   Reginald's greatest fear has become not being there for someone in their greatest need, like he was unable to help his sister. And not living up to the Heroic standards set upon himself troubles him at times and makes him double check his actions.   The destruction of Thundertree still creeps upon his thoughts from time to time. Although he did help save hundreds of lives, holding off a hoard of undead would leave scars on just about anyone, even a hero. His biggest regret still pains him though, as his sister ended up crippled after the fight, unable to ever walk again. Although she holds high spirits and has since moved to Neverwinter and found a kind man to wed and support her, he still wishes he could have gotten to her in time.   During one of his adventures, Reginald met Russel, a shady monk, who was up to no good and Reginald put a swift stop to it. Russel managed to get away, but since then, swore himself as a self-proclaimed 'nemesis' to Reginald, though whatever that would mean was uncertain.   His greatest desire and future goal is to one day open up a Guild of Heroes, one where adventurers an join and pursue the noble purpose of saving the world, helping each other to protect the lives of those who cannot themselves.