Northwest faerûn Travel to Neverwinter

Travel to Neverwinter



The party travels to Neverwinter and meets a traveling merchant named Lledrith.

The party says their farewells to the townsfolk and head to Neverwinter. On their second night of travel, they come across a familiar carriage with no driver. Trinn tries to spy with Athena but she vanishes. The voice of an old crone speaks out to them, and the party very cautiously engages in conversation. She asks to inspect magical items in exchange for gold, Garret is the only one willing to participate. After doing so, she reveals that she has numerous magical items for sale, and the party begins to inspect them. She tells them her name is Lledrith.   The party cautiously negotiates with Lledrith, giving her many items to examine and "add to her catalogue." They make a few purchases: a Candle of the Deep, a Cloak of Protection, a Cloak of Billowing, and a Stone of Good Luck, while parting with their Potion of Vitality in trade. As she bid her farewell, she says that if they meet again, she will be sure to give them any info and offer any items she has obtained in her travels in exchange for more magical items. The party goes back to sleep, except Trinn who is uneasy and keeps watch the rest of the night.

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