Trinn Gladius Character in Northwest Faerûn | World Anvil

Trinn Gladius

Trinn's family, House Gladius, was formed by the children/grandchildren of a hero whose original name was lost to time but eventually became known as Gladius the Hero. House Gladius is known for their prestigious line of warriors, knights, guardsmen, etc. and all members of the family seem to be born with some talent for martial combat.   The current head of the family, Trinn's father, is a man named Roman Gladius. He holds a very high position on the Sword Coast and Lord's Alliance for several reasons, but the main one being that he leads a rather impressive army who are loyal to him.   Trinn currently has 4 total members of his family. His father Roman, his elder brother Leo, his older sister Julia, and his mother Venice. Of the four members of his family his father and older brother mostly disregard his existence due to his lack of martial ability. His mother actively chooses to support him despite Roman's wishes, and his sister exists as a middle ground between the two extremes (she cares for him but still doesn't consider him a proper member of the family in certain respects).   Trinn left his home due to his father disowning him, which is the reason why he goes by the last name Blanc. He will use his last name of Gladius when needed, such as when dealing with individuals like the Thayan Necromancer who may pose a threat to the larger region, but dislikes doing so. He is still an official member of his house due to his mother's insistence and is still recognized as a proper noble in large cities who know of the Gladius name when he identifies himself as such.   Trinn never really had a proper teacher when it came to magic. He set out to find another way to do good and picked things up as he went, eventually figuring out how to read arcane formula and going from there. Trinn met with a young woman named Artemis who is a Paladin of Sune. He traveled with her for roughly a year and in that time finally figured out spells beyond just basic cantrips.   Trinn and Artemis returned to Neverwinter shortly before Gundren Rockseeker offered Trinn the escort job. Trinn was originally planning to have both of them go on the job, however the day before he was to meet with the rest of the party Artemis told him that she was going to head north in order to grow in her own ways, wanting to see him changed when she returned. This would have been when she threw him a ring and told him to get her one, solidifying their engagement. He informed his mother later that day, then left with the party the next morning.


Trinn Gladius

Brother (Important)

Towards Julia Gladius



Julia Gladius

Sister (Important)

Towards Trinn Gladius



Trinn Gladius

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Leo Gladius



Leo Gladius

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Trinn Gladius



Year of Birth
1381 DR 20 Years old
Julia Gladius (Sister)
Leo Gladius (Brother)