Northwest faerûn Kobolds Break in to Neverwinter

Kobolds Break in to Neverwinter

Military action


As the party enters Neverwinter, the tavern they are staying in is assaulted by Kobolds looking to kill a patron named Dorn Buckman.

The party enters Neverwinter as the sun is setting as Trinn flashes his crest to ease their entry. Trinn decides to head for his home to search for his sister, and the rest of the party decides to seek shelter at the Brass Tacks Tavern near the gate. The party makes awkward conversation in Trinn's absence that ultimately devolves into friendly banter at his expense as they notice he is a driving force in their adventures. Their good times are interrupted as a burly man and several dwarf-like creatures stumble into the quiet tavern. As the dwarves tend to the seemingly wounded man, 4 kobolds burst in to the tavern and Valamin hears them say they want to execute the man. Instinctively, Valamin jumps to his feet and pulls the party into a battle. Despite their best efforts, the kobolds are easily bested by the party and as they are killing the last of them, the Neverwinter Guard bursts into the tavern, weapons drawn.
The party professes their innocence but are ultimately arrested and taken to a jail near the Hall of Justice. Garret, who was hidden behind the bar, runs to find Trinn for help. Garret catches up with Trinn, who was heading to the Hall of Justice to find his sister anyways, and tells him what happened. They rush to the jails and Trinn is greeted by his sister, Julia Gladius the leader of the Neverwinter Guard and one who arrested his friends. After some explanation, Julia releases them into his care. Trinn, Valamin, and Reginald ask to join Julia in her questioning of the man that the kobolds were after.
The party questions the man, now known to be Dorn Buckman, a dockhand for the city. He reveals that he used to be an adventurer and was approached by his old party to investigate reports of a red dragon down in the Sword Mountains. He was the sole survivor and the kobolds that tried to attack him were loyalists of the dragon. The party was suspicious, but through his magic, Trinn felt confident he was being truthful. Through some subtle draconic and more surface thought magic, Dorn communicated to Trinn that the dwarves that were accompanying him were actually kobolds and he was worried about them found out. Julia decides to release Dorn with some of the guard to escort him home and guard against any further attacks on him.
After the questioning, Julia tells Trinn to take his friends to stay at their estate and hints that it's not really optional. The party heads to the Gladius estate and Trinn shows them to their rooms. Marri'Elle opts to sleep outside near a large tree.

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