Northwest faerûn Back to Neverwinter

Back to Neverwinter



The party heads back through Neverwinter Wood towards Neverwinter, but makes a stop by Thundertree.

The party journeys down river back the way they came. Along their way, they see signs of Leo's forces marching through the forest, and when they get to the clearing where they fought the orcs, they see that all of the fallen soldiers' bodies have been collected. After a full day of travel, they settle in to another magical hut and rest.   After a full day of uneventful travel and two nights of comfort within the protection of Trinn's spell, the tranquility of the forest causes the tension and stress of the last few days to fade as the party's spirits begin to rise. Another uneventful day of travel does the party's mood well as they make their way further down river towards Neverwinter.   Their third day of travel in Neverwinter Wood sees them finally exiting the forest just north of Thundertree as the sun begins to set. Trinn cautions against going to the ruined town, but Reginald is eager to investigate his hometown and the rest of the party takes his side. They decide to search for the druid, Reidoth, that Theryis told them about.   They find Reidoth's hut to the east of Thundertree, just inside the edge of the forest. He invites them in after hearing they were sent by Theryis. Trinn points out that they do not work for Theryis but do have common goals, and Reidoth mentions that he is the same. While respecting her and the Harpers, they don't always have the same goals. Reidoth tells them that he has been observing Thundertree and the dragon that inhabits it for a few weeks. He warns of various remaining undead and plant creatures that wander the city, but more troublesome is the group of cultists that he has spotted in town. He also mentions that Venomfang knows he is here, but has not shown any hostility towards him at all, nor has he attacked the cultists.   The party decides the best course of action is to scout the city out with Athena during the evening and send Garret in tomorrow morning while he is invisible. Trinn sends Athena out to the town to scout while the party speaks with Reidoth. They discuss the cultists and their possible motives, as well as the motives of the brazen dragon. When Athena returns, they conclude their time with Reidoth and setup a magical hut outside for the evening. In the hut, Marri'Elle and Trinn use the knowledge from Athena to create a makeshift map for Garret to get a general layout of the town and pick one particular building that had light coming from it.

Related Location
Neverwinter Wood
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Party Timeline