
The Evernight


Commonly, the Darktide refers to an apocalyptic event, an era of darkness populated by existential threats to all life and the gods themselves. Some believe the Darktide to be tied to the darkest possible outcome to the development of Mazarathes. Others root this interpretation in their notions of Tsukitae, the Hallowforge, preparing the souls of his faithful for this dark day.

But other texts recovered by The Council of the Hallowed Abbey seemingly refer to the Darktide as deity or personal entity. These texts make specific mention to how this force seeks to snuff out all light, including the lights of Artusa, Syren, and eclipse usurpers of his darkness -- a possible reference to Mazarathes -- to usher in an era of endless, interminable darkness.

While these texts are locked tightly away within the Hallowed Abbey, there are rumors of a secret society of clerics, priests, and religious officials who seek after this darkness to understand it and draw from the power it represents. These followers would be hidden in plain sight, awaiting the Darktide.

The Seal of Darktide - an ancient and disused signet which depicts what is believed by some to be a implement, a relic instrumental to the coming of the Evernight.
