Nail and Nan’s Pie Place


Nail and Nan Pie Place is an eatery not far from the main thoroughfares of the Dust District in the Bronze Ring. It is best known for its shrimp pie, a savory, garlicy, flaky crust hand pie that is highly prized by miners returning from shifts.


The front corners are open to a gated area of tables set with murky glass lanterns. This freely flows into the inside of the building, where there are two counters and many scrunched tables. One counter is for Nan where she sells pies and another is for Nail where he sells ales.


The pie shop used to be a condemned structure, where an old prospector built a shack to cover secret mining tunnels to find gold. When his illicit activities were discovered, the was imprisoned and his property was sold at an extreme discount. Nail and Nan bought the property and used the tunnels as storage for their new pie shop.


Nail and Nan's place is beloved by locals, but sometimes draws in travellers thanks to the charming communal feel of the tavern.
Founding Date
210 PF
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
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