Dust District


The Dust Distrct is a central area within the Bronze Ring, providing industrial level transport to and from mining sites within the Iron Ring, underneath Novus, or within Mount Abregoth. It began to be called the Dust District after the dusty, dirty appearance of minors who return from their work to this hub. The Dust District is the beating heart of the Bronze Ring, as it is centrally located and tends to be a traveling point nexus for many of the Bronze Ring's inhabitants. The headquarters of the Stonehewers Guildis stationed here and administers to several entrepreneurs who manage mining outfits within Novus. A job is nearly always available to those looking for work in this district, though how safe this work actually is is always open to interpretation. One of the better known shrines to Bregoure-- Unbroken Stone Shrine -- is here. It serves as both a place for clerics to administer blessing to miners heading to their shifts and acts as a vital waystation for those pilgrims seeking to travel to the Stone of Remembrance or to the relgious communities to Bregoure within the mountain or deep beneath the earth.


True to their roots, a large number of mountain dwarfs live here, holding important positions within the Stonehewers Guild or as knowledgable workers and foremen in the mines. Elsewhere, the district is as much a melting pot as just about any area of the Bronze Ring.

Industry & Trade

While mining is the most important industry here, other industries flourish here as well. Taverns, bars, brothels, and bath houses seek to lure in workers returning from the shifts. Open air markets are plentiful here, peddling fresh goods from the Jade Ring. Many mechanics and engineers find work here, servicing mining machinery as well.


The Steel Descent and the Mountain Heart Rail are the two most important transit structures in the Dust Ring. These link up to other public transit services but exclusinve serve the mining industry, ferrying miners to their destinations. Great care is taken to ensure that these are serviced and operating well, as they are the only lifeline that meaningfully connects these far off sites.

Guilds and Factions

The Stonehewers Guild is the primary powerful faction within the district. The guild issues permits to mining operations and also outfits exploratory expeditions. They are the oldest guild in Novus and as such have a reputation as being deeply connected, both to agents and officials of the Brass Ring of Novus and to other unsavory crime factions within the city.

The Deerai Collective has an outpost here where they oversee exploratoy expeditions and the harvesting of arcane materials -- as well as any material that could make a difference in reconstruction efforts. This presence is not pointed towards building an public academy, but rather a forward research base. The Brass Spears of Novus exert a strong presence here as well, impressing upon all the significance of this district to the rest of the city. If resources stop flowing through the Dust District, Novus as a whole will suffer.


Due to its proximity to the Collumn, the Dust District suffered remarkably little damage in the fall. As such, it became a central hub for rescue and recovery operations in the eariliest days of post-fall Novus. Many view the Dust District as the birthpace of the collectivist spirit the prevades Novus's culture -- where people banded together to save lives and rebuild as a community. That spiritual heart has grown weary in recent days as the dream of a fully rebuilt Novus fades to the reality of current existence.