Hewnholm Tower


Hewnholm Tower is the headquarters of the Dust District Civilian Policing Division. It is the bustling center of law enforcement in the district.


Though not a grand tower like one might find in the Copper Ring, it is called a tower by virtue of being a tall, overlooking structure. It is postioned at a promontory above an nearby coal processing site. Upper levels comprise of a receiving area, offices for inspectors and officers, interrogation rooms, barracks for officers, training facilities, and operations centers which manage communication and coordination for the Brass Spears. There are also several sublevels, which notably houses a jail. This jail houses criminals awaiting trial or transfer to other penal facilities.


Hewnholm Tower is a sturdy building, made to withstand heavy use during its industrial days. Though the equipment and machinery within is long gone, the buildings strong bones remain and have been reinforces. The building was impenetrable during an assault by protesters fifteen years ago. The tower's exact defenses are largely unknown to many, but it is well staffed by Brass Spears and has a robust armory at its disposal.


The tower was once and industrial building linked to the coal mining operations that route through the Dust District, but after the fall, it fell to disuse. It was conscripted by the Brass Spears to use as a police station in the newly created Civilian Policing Division.
Police/Fire station
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location