Automata Fortress

The automata fortress is the name of a pair of twin artificial islands in the Uncharted Archipelago were automata from the first era were asleep. Only some Cosmos Wayfarers, pirate admiral Çidrães Skamas, pirate captain Rrades and officer Karin from the Cajenian League knew of its existence. Some wayfarers, together with the Cajenian officer, discovered the settlement position, reactivated it with an ancient artefact they had found, and decided the best course of action was to seal it inside a kanva.


All the inhabitants of the fortress are automata. They resemble elves and are sentient and intelligent, with some even able to use magic, but appear to be constructed rather than naturally born. They were asleep inside pods powered by an unknown type of energy circuitation.   When the adventurers brought the key inside the fortress and reactivated it, the automata reawoke and reorganized. Among them, leaders emerged, individuals naturally inclined to guide others. How their society worked was unclear, but there were twelve people, the Council, ruling over the settlement collectively.   A thirteenth member was stuck on a throne inside the Council chamber with no movement possibilities. Its role seemed to be supervising the other leaders and possibly voting in case of parity.


The settlement was composed of two perfectly symmetrical halves, resembling weird cubical islands with flat surfaces floating in the ocean. Each had a generator operating thanks to an unknown technology enabling energy circuitation, which powered every facility and district. Automatic doors and buttons to switch on lights, among other things, surprised the visitors the most.   The most advanced piece of militar technology was a battery of magitech cannons firing shots powerful enough to disintegrate small islands.


The fortress' history in the third era began when rumours leak from the Empire of a powerful artefact located in the Cajenian Archipelago in the year 2097. Independently, a group of Shadow Court agents, one of Cajenian pirates and Selado Sertero tried to secure it for their respective sides. In the end, Selado took it by persuading both some pirates and two agents to become wayfarers with the help of one reawoken automaton, Haval.   Haval explained that the artefact was the key to reactivating one half of the settlement he was once part of and that his mission was to find the other one and bring both to the fortress. A selected group of wayfarers helped Haval to secure the other key, in possession of Çidrães Skamas, but caused the death of both the admiral and Selado.   Once both keys were in their possession, the wayfarers and Hamal completely reactivated the fortress. Since the presence of such an advanced society on Nys would cause a great unbalance of powers, the group offered to the automata to create and inhabit a new kanva, where they would live in peace and harmony. The proposal met the approval of the Council, and the fortress was sealed forever.   The entrance to their plane of existence was brought to the Crossroads and arranged in an empty room.

Cover image: Nys Logo by Fabrizio Fioretti


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