Norgaard: has served as a borderland between the kingdoms of men and elves and encroaching and expanding forces of the Darkhold. Conducts robust trade with the Dwarven kingdom of Skuffhimmel. Although it is a kingdom of men, there is great diversity in the population, with substantial numbers of half-elves and dwarves, and even a few half-orcs, although the latter does its best to blend in with the human population. Although founded as a kingdom by the descendents of Haval the Great, Norgaard had been ruled for the last 300 years by the Krigsherre, or military leader assigned by the previous ruler. The Krigsherre has the powers of a king but the title is not hereditary and is instead bestowed upon the highest ranking member of the military council when the Krigsherre dies. The military council consists of the Krigsherre, the Grand Master of the Order of Heimdall, the head of the Skogsmen Rangers, the Marshall of the Army, the Archbishop of Thunderpriests, and the Captain of the Homeguard.