The Order of the Silver Torch

The Order of the Silver Torch is a holy order devoted to the god Deyallor, and is dedicated to spreading order and justice in his name. The Order is based mostly in The Southern Passes and the neighboring Hektanpolis Province in the Aurean Empire, but also has a smaller presence in other parts of the empire and a little ways beyond. They are known for being highly principled and incredibly zealous, with the order heavily policing the behavior of its members and giving out harsh punishments for its many rules. This limits any abuses of power but has given the order a reputation of being cold and rigid.   Most of the order's efforts are concentrated against raids by orcs, goblinoids, and similar creatures in the southern portion of The Dragonpeaks. They largely base themselves out of a few central locations and send out large forces whenever there is news of nearby settlements being threatened. Upon arriving in a settlement they will often implement a form of harsh and legalistic structure over the residents based on the Order's own rules, believing that a lack of this in the settlement has brought their troubles upon them. Though this is rarely wanted by the residents, most are happy to recieve the Order's help and tolerate it while the Order is present.   The Order's mission is largely centered around helping the needy, giving large amounts of resources to the poor, orphans, and the disabled. However, they are ruthless to their enemies, believing that those who oppose them have no redemptive value, and are known to take no prisoners or to forgive those that have wronged them. Groups of acolytes who witness what see as crimes will often hold staged trials and administer harsh punishments on the spot, often including summery executions, before imperial authorities can arrive. The Order avoids much official backlash for these actions, due to their close ties to the imperial government.

A Light that Shines in the Darkness

Founding Date
4838 AY
Religious, Holy Order