The Southern Passes

The Southern Passes is a stretch of several passes in the southern Dragonpeaks that formerly consituted the Aurean province of Eutoria Superior. At the outbreak of The Mountain War in 4835 AY, Eutoria Superior, along with the other mountain provinces, was attacked by huge numbers of orcs, goblinoids , ogres, and giants taking advantage of the Aurean armies distraction in the east. The particularly large number of giants attacking Eutoria Superior and the higher level of organization they brought with them led to the entire province falling, and the empire has since been unable to retake it.   Today the Southern Passes are populated largely by orcs and goblinoids, with giants ruling in some areas. Most of the human population fled or was killed during the invasion, though some remain in certain remote regions, as semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, or serving the areas new rulers — some willing, some not. Many of the regions once numerous dwarf cities, some of which were only nominally under the rule of the empire, were abandoned as well, though others remain.   The fall of the Southern Passes effectively severed the empire's link to the province of Eutoria Inferior to the south of the Dragonspeaks on the edge of the Bularian Plain. The province now functions as an independent state known as the Kingdom of Eutoria, though it claims to seek reintegration into the empire if it ever again becomes practical. Eutoria also controls the city of Eutoria , located in the southeastern portion of the Southern Passes, which had been the capital of Eutoria Superior before the collapse but managed to keep from falling to the giants due to it's strong fortifications. The empire has also retaken some areas of the west, such as the city of Dunsorum, but only at a great and continuing cost of both soldiers and gold.
Alternative Name(s)
Eutoria Superior
Mountain Pass
Location under
Related Ethnicities
Contested By