
The city of Terminus is one of the oldest on the continent, continuously inhabited for over 5,000 years, and was the original capital of the Aurean Empire. It is today still the largest city in The Dragonpeaks and the capital of The Rise province, and in addition to it's age and history it is known for it's architecture, including buildings of unknown age that often look strange to modern observers and it's system of aqueducts, several of which stretch dramatically from the mountains on either side before plunging into various cisterns. It is a holy city of Deyallor, and attracts many pilgrims.


The population is mostly human but has members of many other races living within it, including an unusually large population of half-orcs and even full blooded orcs due to it's position in the Dragonpeaks.


The city has long been ruled by members of the Delmirev clan of dragonborn , who claim descent from Batrakinn, the last emperor of the Dragonborn Dynasty that ruled the empire in the late third and early fourth millenia.


Terminus was founded by the Circle of the Heavens as the capital for their new kingdom Aurea in what would become 0 AY. It was subject to a major siege by Zarthax in 162 AY that led to an overwhelming Aurean victory. The capital would move to Aureapolis shortly after but Terminus remained a major city and the capital of the Rise province.   It faced a much longer siege by an army of orcs in 4835 AY during The Mountain War, which resulted in a large reduction to the population. Many more people fled to the lowlands in the aftermath, and though it has recovered somewhat from that low point Terminus still has less then half the population it did at it's peak. Districts that once lay outside the cities walls lie mostly abandoned and in ruins, and some of it's famous aqueducts have yet to be rebuilt.
Founding Date
0 AY
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization