Adventurers Guild Organization in Od | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Adventurers Guild

"The Guild is all about helpin' the people, don't ya know. This Guild was founded to help make people safer, and make their lives better. And you might think you can do that by just going out and slaying big ol' baddies and whatnot, but there's more to it than that. Ya gotta connect with the people. Understand how what you're doing affects the average folk. Have the people understand that you're there to help, not just for money or glory.   So ya start off small, with some jobs around town helpin' the people. If helping some old ladies cross the street is too small for you, then you're too small for us."
— Deryl

Found Around The World

  • Oasis
  • Dewfall
  • Crossroads
  • Monte
  • Camelot
  • Lakewyn
  • Tortanaga
  • Allsfield

    Ranking Breakdown

    Rank What It Takes Boons
    S (Dragon Slayer) It's a secret
    • Who knows
    A Your reputation precedes you! People from all around the world are talking about you
    • Access to Class A quests
    • Ability to travel to different guild halls through the Guild Hall. You can only travel through doors you've unlocked at the different locations
    B You're getting noticed! People around town/around this area are talking about you!
    • Access to Class B quests
    • Access to Guild Hall doors in any Adventurer's Guild
    C You've proved you're guild material! Do some quests and show you've got what it takes to represent the Guild!
    • Access to Class C quests
    • Class C quests can give Adventuring Points which can be traded for items!
    D Welcome aboard! You just signed up, it's time to prove yourself!
    • Access to D level quests

    Adventure Points

    Each adventurer earns Adventure Points based on an adventurer's tier and its intended playtime.
  • 1 Adventure Point is awarded for every 2 hours played in a tier 1 or tier 2 adventure
  • 1 Adventure Point is awarded for every hour played in a tier 2 or 3 adventure
  • If a character completes and adventure of a tier higher than that character's tied, the character receives 1 additional treasure point for that adventure.

    Magic Items By Tier

    Magic Item Table Available At Tiers Point Cost
    1-4, D-A 4
    1-4, D-A 4
    C 1-4, D-A 4
    D 2-4, C-A 8
    E 3-4, B-A 8
    F 1-4, D-A 8
    G 2-4, C-A 10
    H 3-4, B-A 10
    I 3-4, B-A 12

    Money for Something

    Bring in proof of killing certain monsters and get some cash for it!
    CR Money (DMG 136)
    0-4 5d6 Copper
    5-10 6d6*10 Silver
    11-16 2d6*100 Gold
    17+ 2d6*100 Platinum


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