Crossroads Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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At the crossroads of two major throughways a town decided to crop up.
Crossroads is Separated into (more or less) 5 sections by the roads with the area around the crossroads dedicated to trade    

Middle - Trade

The streets are tightly packed with people and either side is lined shoulder to shoulder with shops, stalls, tents, popups, street vendors, food stalls, you name it, all trying to hock just about anything onto you. There are a multitude of bright colored tarps, banners, ribbons, flags, all kinds of decorations hanging from and between buildings all throughout this part of the city. If you're looking for something chances are someone's selling it here.  

NW - High Society

It seems some folk are just crazy enough to make base in a town like this. This part of the city seems to be dedicated to the more wealthy of the towns denizens, as indicated by the immaculately carved stone and beautifully finished wood on nearly every building, the streets are a nice smooth cobblestone lit by intricately forged lanterns hung above. Everything is very well taken care of, hardly even a drunkard in sight, and the air smells how you imagine a rich person would. There is a lovely park with a pond, a few restaurants and shops that cater to a more expensive palette… It seems most folk keep clear of this part of the city, but you don't see anything keeping you from exploring other than the immense social pressure. Most of the law offices found here  

NE - Residential

Conveniently located as far away from the rich people as possible seem to be the rest of the towns housing.  

SW - Artisans

Looking for something specific, something  

SE - Industry

This part of the city smells a bit too muggy for most people's tastes. The smell of ironworks, wood pulp, and a few more obscure, albeit unpleasant, smells permeates the area. Airship port Material processing
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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