Welcome to Atheria in Od | World Anvil
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Welcome to Atheria


The land of Atheria is split into a handful of large areas/nations.   Riveria holds the most land, and takes up the south-eastern part of the continent. Once united by the Great Queen Rivera, the nation is now split into kingdoms biding for power and land.   Guildra to the north contains the Northnesse Mountians, home of many dwarves and a production powerhouse to the nearby nations.   Linshore is set to the west of Riveria and separated by the Dragon's Maw. Linshore's kingdoms are fairly remote from each other, and mostly peaceful.   Dewfall is a city-state set between Guildra and Riveria and is home to the Dragon Forged Alliance, a coalition of nations set to make the world a better place.   The Black Rock Desert to the north-east is a deadly land of shifting sands and unfriendly occupants. Despite this, the city of Oasis thrives at its heart as one of the richest towns in the world.   Crimson Sea, a land of pirates, scallywags, and uncountable booty, lies to the northwest.   Shattered Isles to the west is collection of islands considered un-chartable, as islands are said to move and change as easily as the wind.   North of the desert lies Arithia , a somewhat rival nation to Atheria, but due to its location, and its separation by the desert, they don't hold much of a presence in Atheria and the people know little about it.  


  Dragon Forged Alliance forms most of Atheria. It is a coalition of nations seeking to make the world a better place.   Black Arm Dominion holds the greatest threat to peace, though their forces have been diminishing as of late. Tucked away in the southern part of the Silver Cliffs they maintain a strong foothold, and have proven difficult to entirely eradicate   Adventurers Guild can be found around the world, each ready to give the willing adventurer the change to rise through the ranks and show their stuff!


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