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The Flock

The true uniting force throughout the far reaches of space

In an age of technology, where space travel and fantasy live in harmony, a governing force called The Flock controls every aspect of life that it can reach. In service to their zealous religious beliefs,The Shepherds have led The Architect's Flock as they crusaded around countless galaxies in an attempt to remove all traces of Magic, its existence viewed as nothing more than demonic heresy in the eyes of their One True God, The Architect. Few traces of magic still remain hidden away from The Shepherds' watchful gaze though, whether it’s in the corrupted Odium's Mist, the dark shadows of the Criminal Underworlds, or in the far reaches of space, away from the Flock's dogmatic influence.   Each decision made by the Flock is dictated by the The Shepherds, to maintain that every action follows the word of The Architect with unwavering faith.


The Architect leads. The One True God of the Flock. Only ever speaking directly to his Shepherds   The Shepherds are the Voice of the Architect. Carrying out his command without question. Delivering his orders throughout the Flock   The Herders are the Hands of the Architect. Elite squads sent in to deal with any resistance to the orders of the Shepherds, and they are the first response to any hint of Magic. Truly a force feared by all.   The Farmhands are the Body of the Architect, making up the majority of the Flock's military force. They are the infantry that get sent into the jaws of battle in the name of the Architect The law enforcement throughout the Flock that patrol among the planets, upholding the peace and law throughout.   The Masses are the Blood of the Architect. The civilian population of the Flock, following the command of all who serve the Architect. The constant reminder of what awaits for those who do not follow, looming over them indefinitely.


The Flock's masses have learned it's within their best interests to follow subserviently, as The Architect's will is absolute, and The Architect does not make mistakes. They are taught of The Architect's grace from birth, and grow up constantly surrounded by this doctrine. They are taught to be "optimal citizens", always following the commands of their One True God and serving the Flock with everything they have. Any within the Flock who do not act as an "optimal citizen" are brandished as a disgrace, a heretic, and a threat to the other members of society. They are frequently made examples of, being put on display for the masses, and executed without remorse, whether that be swiftly disposed of without trial, or agonisingly tortured till their last breath. All within the Flock have learnt to "Follow as One", regardless of if that is driven by faithful service of The Architect, or in fearful trepidation of the punishment awaiting those who step out of line

Public Agenda

The Flock aim to unite all races, spreading the teachings of their Architect to all, cleansing them of their heretical beliefs and embracing them in the safety of The Architect's protection.


The Flock's ever expanding grasp extends through the majority of the known universe. Anything they find that is unwilling to become part of their union and dedicate themselves to their One True God is often left in ruin, and wiped from the history books.   The Races of the Universe that are contained within the Flock so far include:  
  • Human 
  • Elves 
  • Dwarves 
  • Gnomes 
  • Orks 
  • Trolls 
  • Kroot 
  • Demography and Population

    Although the Flock is home to a multitude of races, it's main demographic consists of Human .   The other races living as part of the Flock include:


    The owned territory of The Flock is vast and ever expanding, as the armies of The Architect labour on in their constant assimilation of planet after planet.


    The military forces of the Flock are divided into three different divisions:

    Technological Level

    One of the benefits of the unity within The Flock is that the unique technologies of each of the races included have been spread to one and all, culminating in a massive educational advance brought on by the combination of knowledge from a multitude of different civilisations. Because of this, The Flock shows great technological prowess and is able to uphold its rule over the universe with its cutting edge science.


    Only one religious faith is allowed within The Flock and that is the devotion to the One True God, The Architect. Any other religion uncovered within the Flock will be quickly snuffed out with zero tolerance.   This one faith is the governing power of all aspects within The Flock and it is forced upon all those who live within The Flock without question.

    Agriculture & Industry

    The main source of outputs for The Flock comes from The Smiths spread throughout the various forge planets.

    Trade & Transport

    Logistics throughout the Flock including things such as trade and transport are managed by The Bureau and are confined to only take place within the planets under The Flocks protection. Any news of outside influence or travel will receive a wave of righteous retribution from the forces of The Flock.   Travel throughout the vast expanse of space is spearheaded by a branch of The Flock labelled The Cosmonauts, who specialise in intergalactic transport.


    The Shepards

    Together As One, We Follow As One

    Geopolitical, Empire
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    A cryptocurrency named "Grain"
    Legislative Body
    The Shepherds collect and monitor the words of The Architect, keeping scripture of all they have spoken. These scriptures dictate the rules and regulations within The Flock and are to be taken as absolute law.
    Official State Religion
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Permeated Organizations
    Manufactured Items
    Related Items
    Notable Members

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