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022- Session Recap

-From the bloodsoaked book of Bruun

General Summary

“Old wounds are the deepest and for some reason even after the death of those that caused them, they persist.”
We have returned to Areti - City of Virtue after a very interesting running fight with some unfortunate Brigands. I think I may need to try and obtain a proper mount at some point. The speed, the wind whipping in my face, and the terrain a blur around me lit a fire that I did not know needed lighting, but I am rambling. Areti was as it was when we had previously left it and as we brought our findings to Alderman Dutton and in doing so noticed we are of a few number that seem to be reporting. The feeling overall was very demure but even so the Tempest Hunters Guildhall seemed more dour and solemn then normal. We decided to rest before pushing to see what was going on and finding our next mission. Indiana Mako and I went to The Farthest Gone and drink, well she did it was a pain in the ass to get a drink while she was near me. She was drunk and causing a bit of a ruckus, annoying the owner (Samwise Bowlin ) much to my enjoyment, but nothing overtly aggressive so I let it go until the rest of the group returned. Not sure what Cassius L’ivrogne and Tocu, Last Shadow were up to however they entered the tavern with an air of conspiracy around them. Ishka had returned from tucking Wilby Wallabeast in his room and we began to discuss something interesting.   Cassius had returned to the Gardus Family Estate and while going on and on stated that someone who should be dead was not. Heading back to Alderman Dutton, Cassius began to question him. Alderman Dutton perceptively bristled, at least to my eyes, at the questions Cassius was asking. I cut Cassius off and told him to let it go. As we walked out Cassius began to ask the same question to a quill pushing record keeper (The Investigator we helped back in Corvolas Etienne Grimaud ) who was about to encourage the whelp. I cracked a fist into Cassius’ jaw with a final warning to let it go, I wish the boy didn’t push the issue I really did not like doing that. He can take a hit, but he is young and stupid but should know better. The dead’s name can bring many problems once they are dug up from history… Krist it has been many, many moons but it still hurts, and I miss you so much.   There is partial scribbling as if more was to be written then the parchment was ripped. Under the last passage is an odd set of symbols. If one knew Gnoll glyphs they would see it roughly spelled out Death to the Pack Traitor
Report Date
15 Aug 2024
Primary Location


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