
The Badger is a robust mammal with a distinctive appearance, short, stocky body, powerful limbs, and a flattened head. Recognizable by its bold facial markings, including distinctive black and white stripes, the Badger has strong claws suitable for digging and burrowing. This carnivorous creature is known for its tenacious and solitary nature, often utilizing its burrow as a refuge and a strategic location for ambushing prey. The Badger's fur is coarse and typically gray or brown, providing camouflage in its natural environment. A nocturnal hunter, the Badger's keen sense of smell and powerful physique contribute to its effectiveness in foraging and capturing prey.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Badger, commonly found in various terrains across Terra, inhabits diverse habitats such as grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands. Its adaptability allows it to thrive in environments with suitable soil for digging and the presence of prey. The Badger's habitat preference reflects its reliance on burrows for shelter and its hunting strategy, and it is well-suited to open landscapes where it can efficiently pursue its primarily nocturnal activities.

Additional Information


Efforts to domesticate the Badger have proven largely impractical and are not commonly pursued. The Badger's inherently solitary and territorial nature and its defensive behaviors make it challenging to modify or adapt to domestic settings. Unlike some other species, badgers do not exhibit traits conducive to human companionship or controlled breeding.   The Badger's natural hunting, digging, and territorial defense instincts are deeply ingrained and difficult to mitigate through captive breeding or training. Their adaptation to a wild, independent lifestyle makes them less amenable to domestication than some other animals. Consequently, the American Badger remains primarily a wild species, interacting with humans more as a subject of study than as a domesticated companion.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The people of Terra utilize the Badger primarily for its fur. The Badger's coarse and durable fur is sought for various practical applications, including clothing and accessories. The dense fur provides insulation and is a valuable resource in colder climates. While not as extensively exploited as some other species, the Badger's fur is harvested by individuals for its practical qualities, contributing to the traditional practices and resourcefulness of those who rely on the land's resources for their livelihood. Additionally, in certain cultures, badger hair may find application in brush-making for grooming and artistic purposes.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 0, Composure 1
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 1
Skills: Athletics 4 (Digging), Brawl 3, Survival 3 (finding food)
Health: 5
Willpower: 2
Initiative: 5
Defense: 4
Land Speed: 14/28
Size: 3
TypeDamageDice Pool
Claw 1L 6
Bite 1L 7


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