
The Stoat, a small carnivorous mammal, is characterized by a slender and agile body with a distinct fur coat that changes color with the seasons. In the winter, its fur is predominantly white, providing effective camouflage in snowy environments, while in the summer, it adopts a brown hue. Known for its quick and nimble movements, the Stoat has a long, sleek tail and sharp claws, contributing to its adept hunting abilities. A voracious predator, the stoat preys on smaller mammals and birds, displaying cunning and strategic hunting tactics. Its adaptability to changing environmental conditions and seasonal camouflage make the Stoat a resourceful and resilient species.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Stoat is commonly found in diverse habitats across Terra, including forests, grasslands, and tundra regions. Its adaptability allows it to thrive in various environments, demonstrating a preference for areas with ample prey and suitable places for burrows or dens. The Stoat's habitat selection is influenced by its need for cover and open spaces to support its hunting strategies. This adaptability contributes to the widespread distribution of the Stoat across different ecosystems.

Additional Information


The Stoat, as a species, resists domestication attempts by humans. Its inherently wild and solitary nature and its specialized hunting behaviors make it challenging to adapt to a domesticated lifestyle. The Stoat's natural instincts for territoriality and a need for expansive hunting grounds are difficult to reconcile with the confinement and altered conditions associated with domestication.   Efforts to domesticate stoats have been met with limited success, primarily due to their strong-willed behavior and specific environmental requirements. While individual stoats may exhibit adaptability to human presence in captivity, achieving full domestication remains impractical and uncommon. Consequently, the Stoat is generally observed and appreciated in its natural habitats for its role in ecological balance rather than as a domesticated companion.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Stoat's fur may occasionally be used for clothing accessories; however, due to its relatively small size and the availability of other fur-bearing animals, it is not a primary resource for human use. Its significance lies more in its ecological role as a predator, contributing to the balance of small mammal and bird populations in various ecosystems.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 2
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Intimidation 1, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Health: 4
Willpower: 4
Initiative: 5
Defense: 3
Land Speed: 15/30
Size: 2
TypeDamageDice Pool
Bite 1L 3


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