Spotted Skunk

The Spotted Skunk, a kin to its more common counterpart, exhibits a distinctive black and white coloration but is characterized by unique spotted markings along its fur. Comparable in size and behavior to other skunk varieties, this species possesses the same defensive mechanism of emitting a foul-smelling spray when threatened. Notable for its agility and swift movements, the Spotted Skunk relies on its dexterous abilities to evade potential predators. Despite its smaller size, this skunk variant is equally adept at utilizing its noxious spray for self-defense, making it a formidable presence within the diverse tapestry of Terra's fauna.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Like its counterparts, the Spotted Skunk inhabits a range of environments across Terra. Its habitat preferences include woodlands, grassy plains, and areas with ample vegetation. The Spotted Skunk is known to establish burrows near water sources, exhibiting adaptability to diverse terrains. Like others of its kind, this species demonstrates resilience in its habitat choice, adapting to different landscapes throughout the realm.

Additional Information


The domestication of the Spotted Skunk is a rare and unconventional practice, undertaken by a select few individuals within certain settlements. Those who engage in this endeavor often do so for the creature's potential role in pest control. Domesticated Spotted Skunks, while not as common as their standard counterparts, are cautiously raised and trained to minimize the risk of their defensive spray being employed indiscriminately. The utilization of these creatures in a domesticated context reflects the pragmatic approach of some inhabitants of Terra in addressing challenges related to vermin and pests, showcasing adaptability even with unconventional choices in animal companionship.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Much like its common counterpart, some communities on Terra occasionally employ the Spotted Skunk for practical purposes. While not extensively domesticated, there are instances where individuals have harnessed the presence of Spotted Skunks for pest control. These creatures exhibit a penchant for preying on smaller vermin that may threaten stored food supplies or disrupt agricultural activities. The use of Spotted Skunks in this manner underscores the resourcefulness of the people in adapting local fauna to address practical challenges, despite the unconventional nature of employing a creature known for its pungent self-defense mechanism.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 0, Composure 1
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 1, Resolve 0
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Survival 3, Intimidation 1(finding food)
Health: 5
Willpower: 1
Initiative: 5
Defense: 4
Land Speed: 7/14
Size: 3
TypeDamageDice Pool
Claws 1L 7
Bite 0L 6
Potent Spray - Skunk spray has a maximum range of three yards and require a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll at a –2 penalty (only the target’s Defense applies) to hit the target.
Toxicity 2
Exposure: Once per turn until washed
Effect: All dice pools and Resistance traits such as Defense are reduced by three. If the target has any sort of heightened or acute senses, the penalty increases to five.
ADDITONALLY: Anyone within 5 yards of the person until they are washed suffers the same effects. Within 25 yards for heightened or acute senses.


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