Void Ferret

The Void Ferret is a cunning and agile creature known for its mischievous behavior and remarkable ability to phase in and out of the shadow plane, rendering it an adept thief. With a natural affinity for darkness, the void ferret can seamlessly blend into shadowy environments, easily evading detection. Renowned for its fondness for trinkets and shiny objects, the void ferret is drawn to valuable items, making it a frequent target for adventurers seeking to recover stolen goods.

Basic Information


The Void Ferret possesses a sleek and agile anatomy, characterized by a slender body and lithe limbs. Typically, it has four limbs—two forelimbs and two hindlimbs—that facilitate its swift movements and nimble agility. Its muscular structure is well-developed, providing the strength and flexibility needed for quick reflexes and adept maneuvering, especially during phases in and out of the shadow plane. The skeletal structure of the void ferret supports its agile frame, with lightweight bones allowing for rapid movements and dexterous manipulation of its environment.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction process of the Void Ferret closely resembles that of its earthly counterpart, the ferret. Mating typically occurs during spring when individuals are most active and receptive to mating behaviors. After successful copulation, the female void ferret undergoes a gestation period lasting approximately 42 days, culminating in the birth of a litter of kits.   The kits are born blind and deaf, relying on their mother for nourishment and care during the initial weeks of life. As they mature, their senses develop, and they become more independent, learning essential skills for survival from their mother. The kits gradually transition to solid food, typically provided by regurgitation from the mother initially, then eventually transitioning to consuming prey items hunted by both parents.

Growth Rate & Stages

After birth, the kits undergo rapid development, with their eyes opening within the first few weeks of life. During this time, they rely heavily on their mother for nourishment and protection, gradually transitioning to solid food as they grow.   As they mature, the young ferrets experience various developmental stages, including exploring their surroundings, honing hunting skills, and establishing social bonds within their family unit. They become increasingly independent with time, eventually reaching adulthood and assuming roles within their social structure.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environment for the Void Ferret is characterized by darkness and shadow, such as dense forests, caverns, or other dimly lit areas. In these environments, the ferret can utilize its innate abilities to blend into the shadows and phase in and out of the shadow plane with ease. It interacts with its habitat by navigating stealthily through the darkness, hunting for prey, and evading potential threats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Void Ferret is a carnivorous predator, feeding primarily on small mammals, birds, insects, and other creatures. It employs stealth and agility to hunt its prey, utilizing its keen senses to detect movements and locate potential targets. With its ability to blend into darkness, the ferret can approach its prey unnoticed, launching surprise attacks to capture its quarry.   After securing its food, the Void Ferret may consume it immediately or store excess prey for future consumption. It may cache food in concealed locations within its habitat, such as hollow logs or underground burrows, to protect it from scavengers or other predators. Additionally, the ferret may exhibit territorial behaviors to defend its food sources from other individuals or competing species, ensuring its access to sustenance.

Biological Cycle

The biology of the Void Ferret is influenced by seasonal changes, which impact its behavior and physiology. In winter, the ferret may experience a decrease in activity levels as it conserves energy to endure colder temperatures. Its fur grows thicker to provide insulation against the cold, aiding its survival during harsh conditions. During spring, the ferret becomes more active, especially during mating season, as individuals seek out mates and establish territories. In summer, the ferret may experience increased foraging activity as prey becomes more abundant, leading to heightened hunting behaviors. As fall approaches, the ferret prepares for the upcoming winter by increasing food intake and storing reserves to sustain itself during the colder months.


The Void Ferret displays a range of behaviors toward members of its own species, predators, and preyed-upon species. Among its own kind, it may exhibit social behaviors such as playfulness, grooming, and territoriality. Depending on individual personalities and environmental factors, these interactions can vary from cooperative hunting to territorial disputes.   In the presence of predators, the Void Ferret relies on its agility and phasing abilities to evade capture. It may use stealth and cunning to outmaneuver larger predators or retreat into the safety of shadows to escape detection. Conversely, when preying upon smaller species, the ferret employs ambush tactics and quick strikes to capture its prey swiftly and efficiently.   As for predated species, the Void Ferret's behavior can be ruthless and efficient. It may stalk and pursue its prey with determination, utilizing its phasing abilities to gain an advantage. Once captured, the ferret may dispatch its prey swiftly, minimizing suffering while satisfying its predatory instincts. Overall, the Void Ferret's behavior reflects its role as a skilled predator within its shadowy domain, balancing aggression with stealth and adaptability.

Additional Information


Domestication of the Void Ferret poses significant challenges due to its inherently wild nature and specialized abilities. Unlike some terrestrial species, the ferret's affinity for the shadow plane and its unique phasing abilities make it less amenable to traditional domestication practices. Efforts to domesticate the Void Ferret would require extensive selective breeding and behavioral conditioning to mitigate its natural instincts and adapt it to a captive environment.   Furthermore, the ferret's elusive and solitary lifestyle may hinder efforts to establish social bonds with humans, which are essential for domestication. While individual ferrets may demonstrate some adaptability to human presence, achieving full domestication is impractical and ethically questionable.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Void Ferret holds limited utility for the people of Terra, primarily due to its elusive and specialized nature. While admired for its mysterious abilities and agility, it is not extensively used by humans. The ferret's unique phasing abilities and affinity for darkness make it challenging to domesticate or employ for practical purposes. While individuals may appreciate the ferret's presence in specific environments, its role remains primarily as a fascinating and enigmatic creature rather than a resource for human use.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The perception and sensory capabilities of the Void Ferret are extraordinary, allowing it to excel in its shadowy domain. With keen senses finely attuned to its surroundings, the ferret possesses exceptional night vision, enabling it to easily navigate in darkness. Its acute sense of hearing detects even the faintest sounds, alerting it to potential threats or opportunities for mischief. Additionally, the Void Ferret exhibits extrasensory capabilities, such as an intuitive awareness of the shadow plane, allowing it to phase in and out seamlessly. This ability and its innate affinity for darkness grant the ferret a distinct advantage in stealth and evasion.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Type: Magical
Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 2
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 1, Intimidation 1, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Health: 4
Willpower: 4
Initiative: 5
Defense: 3
Land Speed:
Size: 2
TypeDamageDice Pool
Bite 1L 3
Slip Sideways: Void Ferrets can slip in and out of the shadow with a Dexterity + Athletics roll
Friend of Shadows: Void Ferrets are at a +2 for stealth when in shadows or a darkened area
Nightsight: They are able to see in darkness
Relentless Treasure Hunter: When faced with a trinket that the Ferret wants to add to their hoard, they are at a +2 in all persuits to gain it but due to their focus they are at a -2 to all other rolls for that scene
Possession Immunity: Spirits and ghosts are unable to possess Void Ferrets


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