
The Masked Bandit, commonly known as the raccoon, is a medium-sized mammal characterized by its distinctive facial markings, featuring a black mask across its eyes. With a robust body covered in a mix of gray and brown fur, the raccoon possesses dexterous front paws, equipped with sharp claws suitable for a variety of tasks. Notably, the creature is omnivorous, displaying adaptability in its diet by consuming plant matter and a range of small animals. The raccoon's intelligence and cunning nature make it a resourceful scavenger, capable of raiding human settlements for food. Despite its cute appearance, the Masked Bandit is a crafty and opportunistic creature, demonstrating survival skills in various environments.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Masked Bandit, or raccoon, is commonly found in a variety of habitats, displaying adaptability to both urban and rural environments. This resourceful creature can be observed in forests, wetlands, grasslands, and in proximity to human settlements. Its ability to thrive in diverse habitats is a testament to the raccoon's versatile nature and opportunistic behavior.

Additional Information


The domestication of the Masked Bandit, or raccoon, is a practice observed in some communities of Terra. Although not as commonly domesticated as other animals, some individuals have raised raccoons as pets. Known for their intelligence and curious nature, raccoons can be trained to perform simple tasks and tricks. However, domestication of raccoons requires careful handling, as their wild instincts remain intact, and they may exhibit unpredictable behavior. Despite the challenges, those who choose to domesticate raccoons often find joy in the companionship of these clever and spirited creatures. However, it requires a patient and understanding approach to ensure a harmonious relationship between human and raccoon.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Masked Bandit, or raccoon, serves practical purposes for the people of Terra. In some regions, it is hunted for its fur, utilized for clothing and accessories. Additionally, the raccoon's adaptability to urban environments has made it a nuisance in certain areas, as it often scavenges through human settlements for food. Despite its mischievous reputation, some communities have domesticated raccoons as pets, appreciating their intelligence and playful demeanor. Overall, the raccoon has various utilitarian roles, from providing resources to serving as entertainment for those who choose to keep them as companions.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 0, Composure 1
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 0
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Survival 3 (finding food), Larceny 1, Intimidation 1
Health: 5
Willpower: 1
Initiative: 5
Defense: 4
Land Speed: 6/12
Size: 3
TypeDamageDice Pool
Claws 1L 7
Bite 0L 6
Iron Stomach: Raccoons can eat almost anything and under any condition. Add two dice to appropriate Survival rolls. Add three to Stamina to resist deprivation


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