
A religious and magical order, originating in Pre-Roman Celtic Europe.

Over time the Druid tradition has changd and evolved, incorporating elements from other cultures. Most notably, during the Christianisation of Germany, many Germanic religious practitioners joined Druidic groups in modern France, which incorporated several Germanic traditions into Druid beliefs, including the use of Guardian Packs to protect sacred sites.

Due to this merging of cultures, Druids became advisors to Werewolf Packs, with the possition of Emissary eventually becoming formalised.

Although many Druids are also Emissaries, the terms are not synonymous, and any Druids have little or no dealings with werewolves.

They honor and work with a variety of deities, primarily Pre-Christian Celtic gods, but also Greco-Roman and Germanic/Norse deities where they consider it necessary. Whether they worship these deities or consider them simply powerful magical beings who make useful allies varies from family to family and Druid to Druid. Cernunnos is considered their Patron deity.

Nemetons are sacred places to Druids, and they deliberately cultivate them, or smaller local sacred groves, as sources of wild magic they can draw on.

They consider their most important and sacred duty to be maintaining the balance between life and death, light and dark, human and supernatural, and may do things others would consider immoral if they believe it is necessary to maintain these balances. Human sacrifice is not practised (except by Darach) but animal sacrifices may be used.

They claim to be part of a continuous unbroken tradition, and werewolf pack records support this. They should not be confused with Neo-Druids and other modern Pagan reconstructionist religions.



Druids are usually born into Druid families, and begin training almost from birth. For those who enter the order as adults, training usually lasts at least a decade, and involves first more general training, and then apprenticing under a more experienced Druid.
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