Alan Deaton

Dr Alan Deaton

Dr Alan Deaton is a Druid, and reluctant Emissary to the McCall Pack.

He was previously the emissary to the Hale Pack before the Hale House Fire, and a close friend of Talia Hale.

After the fire, he chose to retire, believing Laura Hale and Derek Hale would be better off forgetting their ties to Beacon Hills and starting over in New York. However, when Peter Hale turned Deaton's protege Scott McCall, he was dragged back into the supernatural.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Druid, Deaton is a skilled Raw Magic user, primarly in ritual magic, although he prefers to avoid using it if it can be avoided.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alan Deaton was born in Detroit to a Druid family.

When he was 14, his mother was invited to become the new Emissary to a pack in Canada, and the family moved to rural Quebec. He attended a French-speaking school for a year, but struggled due to the language barrier, and his parents made the decision to homeschool him for the remainder of his time in highschool.

At 18, he returned to the USA to attend University, studying Vetinary Science. After graduation, he apprenticed under Dr Lee, the Hale Pack Emissary, and took a job as the junior partner at Beacon Hills Animal Clinic.

After Dr Lee and Talia Hale formerly asked Deaton to be Lee's successor as the Hale Pack Emissary, Deaton purchased the Animal Clinic. The following year, Jacob Hale died and Lee retired, and Deaton became Talia's Emissary.

He developed a strong friendship with Talia and her husband Richard Loumis-Hale, and a somewhat antagonistic friendship with her younger brother Peter Hale.

The loss of his pack to the Hale House Fire devestated Deaton, and he refused any attempts to reassign him, insisting he needed to remain to protect the California Nemeton. Despite this responsibility, he cut himself off from the supernatural, though he continued to maintain the distance between himself as the civilians of Beacon Hills that had been required of him as an Emissary, resulting in him living a lonely and isolated life.

The only close relationship he developed during this time was with Scott McCall, who he employed as an assistant at the Clinic.

When Laura Hale was lured back to Beacon Hills by Nurse Jennifer, she approached Deaton, who tried to warn her away, as he suspected Eichen House's involvement in events, and feared she would run afowl of the Argent Clan, who were still opperating in the area.

After her murder, he made the choice not to reach out to Derek Hale, and provided minimal support to Scott when he was turned, prefering to avoid getting involved in the supernatural again after losing his pack.

He was eventually forced to get involved during the Kanima Murders, though he still maintained some distance, such as telling the McCall Pack to steal the Argent Beastiary to learn about the kanima, rather than providing information himself.

Following the death of Gerard Argent, and the avenging of the Hale Family's deaths, Deaton became the McCall pack's Emissary, taking an active role in their conflict with the Alpha Pack and Darach.

Due to his involvement, he was selected by Jennifer as the second of the Scholar sacrifices to Cernunnos, but he was able to contact Scott before being taken, and was saved before succumbing. However, he was badly injured, spending several days in the hospital. In his absence, Marin Morrell was able to engineer the restoration of the Nemeton by using Scott, Derek, and Allison Argent as Proxy Sacrifices.

When Scott and Derek formed the Hale-McCall Pack, Deaton became its Emissary.


Vetinarian and Emissary

Mental Trauma

Following the destruction of the Hale Pack by Kate Argent, Deaton cut himself off from the supernatural and lived a civilian life. Even once Derek Hale returned to Beacon Hills and Scott McCall was bitten, he still attempted to maintain distance between himself and his past, resisting becoming the McCall Pack's Emissary until after the death of Gerard Argent when he felt there was no longer any way to avoid it.

Morality & Philosophy

As a Druid, Deaton considers maintaining the balance of the world to be a moral imperative. However, the years he spend living as a civilian have also lead him to believe strongly in the need to protect normal humans from the supernatural.

In particular, he opposed restoring the California Nemeton, due to the loss of human life necessary to restore it, and the long-term impacts it would have on the human community of Beacon Hills.


Contacts & Relations

He is very fond of his mentee, Scott McCall, with whom he has an almost parental relationship. Despite this fondness, he has not hesitated to lie to Scott, and has endangered both their lives by refusing to be honest with him about the supernatural.

Although Talia Hale asked him to look out for her children, Deaton avoided Derek Hale and kept his status as the Hale Pack Emissary from him until directly challenged. He seems to at least partially blame Derek for the Hale House Fire.

He has history with Peter Hale, and the two have an extremely strained relationship. He seriously considered murdering Peter to avenge Laura Hale, and allowed him to live primarily because he knew living without Talia would be a worst punishment for Peter than death.

Family Ties

Deaton has a sister, Marin Morrell, which whom he has a loving but complicated relationship, due in large part to their different interpretations of the social and moral duries of Druids.

Religious Views

As a Druid, Deaton honors the Celtic Gods, although he has expressed a belief that they may not be divine beings in the traditional sense, but rather simply powerful supernatural creatures. Despite this agnosticism, he takes the view that it would be unwise to upset such powerful beings, and if they chose to be called gods, mortals should respect that.


Marin Morrell


Towards Alan Deaton


Alan Deaton


Towards Marin Morrell


Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
5th November 1968
Year of Birth
1968 CE 44 Years old
Detroit, Michigan
Marin Morrell (sister)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (native), French (proficient), Latin (fluent), Ogham runes (fluent), Irish (proficient)
Ruled Locations


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