Imperial Admiral of Decoure Rank/Title in Oleanus | World Anvil

Imperial Admiral of Decoure

Imperial Admiral of Decoure rules over the land and seas controlled by the Decourean Empire.   From legendary heroes to documented history, the Imperial Admiral have been in power for more than six and a half centuries.


Title is transferred either by inheritance or by assumption through conquest.


Imperial Admiral has leadership over both the navy and the state.  Aided by many advisors, the Emperor is responsible for every non-religious decision that would effect the Decourean Empire.  All treaties, war declarations, trade agreements, tariffs and taxes must bear the Imperial Seal.


The Imperial Admiral enjoys absolute power in their decisions, however the because their reign is at the will of the people, they must use that power wisely.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Imperial uniform is that of the Decourean navy, with some special additions. The Imperial Admiral is adorned with the Servant's belt, a blue slash worn across the chest to signify his loyalty to the faith; Decoure's Heart, a piece of obsidian signifying the union of volcano and sea; and The Sword of the Seas, a ceremonial sabre made of seasglass, gifted to Orvinik of the Storm by Decoure.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

When the Imperial Emperor's authority is in question, the removal is violent. Rebellions are not uncommon, and the Emperor's ability to lead is judged by the outcome of these rebellions. If they are seen fit to lead, they will defeat the rebel forces. If the rebelling captain or admiral succeeds, the former Emperor is stripped of their title. This dismissal is not always deadly, as the new emperor may decide to spare the former, sending them back to their home island/colony, or exiling them from Decourean waters.


The legend of the Imperial seal begins with Sanus of Allseas who witnessed the Allseas Gate open, and the emergence of Decoure of Allseas, Decoure's goddess.  The goddess herself crowned Sanus first Emperor of Decoure.  The goddess Decoure continued to shape early Imperial history, gifting Tornik the Shipwright the crucial blueprints to travel beyond the Sea of Knives, and blessing Orvinik of the Storm the Sword of the Seas.

Cultural Significance

The Imperial Office is recognized as the head of a soviern nation by Audocavan Confederated Cities and The Sacred Land of Tryphus , though the Tryphanian government does not hold the Imperial Admiral on the same level as their High King or Queen.   The Prosperous Realm of Regartfael does not recognize Decoure as a nation, but as an endless succession of pirates.

Notable Holders

  • Sanus of Allseas, first emperor
  • Tornik the Shipwright, obtained the plans for the first ship to cross the Sea of Knives
  • Delos Wynch, first female Imperial Admiral
  • Theophorus III, first Synae emperor, introduced dragon ash to Decoure
  • Lucmar, first Tolan emperor, introduced refined dragon ash firearms to Decoure
  • Theopha, first Imperial Admiral to abdicate.
Nobility, Military
Decourean Pact, 3, Ulios, 1
Form of Address
His Imperial Admiral/Her Imperial Admiral
Alternative Naming
Equates to
Emperor, High King, Empress, High Queen
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Lifetime, or until abdication
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Locations


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