Ondarúcima Physical / Metaphysical Law in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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An ondarúcima (Elvish: "terrible wave") is a sudden mass displacement of seawater that results in a powerful destructive wave when it reaches land. Ondarúcimë occur with little to no warning. Their origin is unclear, but theorized to involve a disturbance or rift from the Elemental Plane of Water.


Ondarúcimë are seemingly a phenomenon unique to the north-central Aegirrán Sea, though sages have not yet studied potential similar events in the Mystic Lands and beyond. The coasts of Voli, Filia, and Isle Machmorraig are the most commonly affected, though waves have historically hit locations as far afield as northern Sona and the Liberty Coast. The most frequent and infamous ondarúcimë occur along the Seething Coast, where they have wrecked countless ships across history.   Unlike surrounding islands, the Three Brothers Isles have never experienced an ondarúcima. The most widely held belief among sages and theologians is that the will of Poseidon and the agreements made after the Litigation of Flames make the islands impossible to fully flood by any means besides the overwhelming will of the gods. Similarly, the Near Isles have never been significantly affected by an ondarúcima, despite their location and extremely low altitude. The local sea elves attribute this safety to the protection of Aibel, their patron goddess.

Cover image: by Felix Mittermeier, Jongsun Lee, Mario La Pergola


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