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Rahvusarchiv Dunzhanim

The Rahvusarchiv Dunzhanim is a museum and library in Tygrar, and the largest historical archive in Dreibach outside of Val-Nurem.   In addition to its resident Tygran librarians, curators, and archivists, dedicated members of the Torch of Tygrar assist the Rahvusarchiv in recovering artifacts of significance from across the Western Duchy.   The Rahvusarchiv maintains regular contact with the Vohonim of Dodiöu Réijmí, making it one of the few organizations outside the Blue Mountains with a connection to the secretive city-state.


The Rahvusarchiv Dunzhanim was named after Dunzha Ilganovich, the daughter of Ilga the Brave and one of the Five Sisters of Fire. The archive as an organization was founded in her memory after the end of The Extinguishing. It was hosted in various smaller buildings in the southwestern district of town before its current central building was constructed near the central plaza in Y987 ITG.   Though buildings of the Rahvusarchiv have been damaged in wars and natural disasters, its collections have remained largely intact since the Age of Integrity. It is arguably the most heavily fortified and protected place in all of Tygrar. Secret tunnels and bunkers are rumored to exist beneath the archive and across the city, where archivists can hide away large parts of the collection in the event of an emergency.
The old central building of the Rahvusarchiv Dunzhanim.
Founding Date
ca. Y275 ITG
Parent Location


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