Verdini Correspondence Document in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Verdini Correspondence

The Verdini Correspondence is a letter that the Dragonslayers of Cantonova found in the private office of Maria Verdini in early May Y1111. The original letter was written in illusory script and was transcribed by Madame Flora.   The letter reveals collusion between Valòmar Lona te-Morigana and the Verdini Family. It contains suggestions from Lona on how to hurt the Dragonslayers and Gepopo, Spymaster of Cantonova and longtime enemy of Donna Maria. It also alludes to Maria's liaision with Baron Scarpia of the Dreibach Empire, which seems to have played a part in the Empire's sudden willingness to ally with its longtime geopolitical rival, the Kingdom of Scalados. It is unknown what the "delivery" in the last paragraph may have been; since recent speculation ties Lona te-Morigana to the Eye and Hand of Vecna, some believe it may be either the Hand or a related item.   The Citadel of the Wild officially decries the document as a fake, and considers all claims made within inherently fraudulent.
Text, Letter

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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