Celestial Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Celestials, the majestic and divine beings crafted by the hands of Holactie - The Creator of Light, stand as living embodiments of purity, grace, and unwavering devotion. These celestial entities were meticulously fashioned to serve as the guardians and custodians of Elysium, a realm of sublime beauty and ethereal serenity.   Among the celestial ranks, a diverse array of beings thrives, each possessing unique forms, attributes, and roles. Angels, with their luminous wings and radiant countenances, embody the embodiment of Holactie's divine will, serving as messengers, healers, and protectors. Archons, emanating an aura of celestial authority, bear the responsibility of upholding cosmic order and guiding mortal souls towards their destined paths.   Pegasus, the magnificent winged steeds, traverse the celestial skies with grace, their hooves leaving shimmering trails of stardust in their wake. Hippogryphs, a fusion of eagle and lion, symbolize courage and nobility, their presence resonating with the harmonious blend of elements. These celestial creatures, and many others, inhabit the celestial realm, contributing to its splendor and majesty.   Endowed with unparalleled power and graced with the divine blessings of both Holactie and Hestia - The Bringer of Light, the celestials emerged as formidable forces during the tumultuous era of The Celestial War. Their celestial light illuminated the darkness, their voices carried hope to the hearts of the embattled, and their celestial might turned the tide of cosmic conflict. As commanders and stalwart defenders, the celestials stood at the forefront of the war, their collective strength serving as an unyielding beacon of hope against the encroaching shadows.   Following the conclusion of the celestial war, the celestials withdrew from the mortal realm, their ethereal presence becoming increasingly rare. Though they maintain their vigil over Elysium and its harmonious realms, their interactions with the physical world have become infrequent and elusive. Only on the rarest occasions do these celestial beings descend from their celestial abode, gracing the world with their luminous presence.   The Pegasus and Hippogryphs, remnants of the celestial legacy, continue to dwell upon the planet's surface, a testament to the profound influence of these celestial beings. Their appearance in the world evokes a sense of wonder and reverence, reminding mortals of the timeless bond between the celestial and the earthly.

Celestials are seperated by type/rank, some can ascend to a new type/rank.

At the bottom are the Aasimar, which are considered lesser celestials but not full-fledged ones, as they answer to the above rank.

Above the Aasimar are the most numerous of the celestials, which are the angels. These are the everyday celestials and commonfolk that resided on Elysium and now Celestia.

Angels are categorized by four classes. Third class, second class, first class and special rank. Third class are the common angels, second class are those that have ascended through a number of means and aspire to be different from the masses. Then there is first class, which are the most powerful of the angels. These angels are candidates for the ascension to the rank of archangel. Lastly there is special rank which is granted to angels that have rare or unique gifts, these special ranks are also candidates for archangel. But one of the major differences between first class and special rank is that to become first class, you must first be third class and then reach second and finally first class. But you can ascend to special rank directly from any class.

The final rank above archangels are archons, which are the mightiest of all celestials. An archangel can only ascend to archon once a spot has opened up, which has rarely happened. Archangels are also categorized the same as angels.

The only rank above archon is the Archlord which is the leader of all celestials, who answers directly to Holactie. However the only archlord ever is Archlord Kristya. After his demise, the rank has been forever vacant as only Holactie can appoint a archlord and see hasn't done so.
Scientific Name
Divina Perfecta

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