Archon Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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"In the cosmic ballet of existence, we Archons are the custodians of the celestial harmony, tasked with upholding the radiant tapestry of light woven by the Creator. Each of us bears the solemn responsibility to be the emissaries of divine order, and in this sacred duty, we find purpose. The light we wield is not merely a force; it is a beacon that pierces the veils of darkness, guiding the cosmos towards balance and righteousness. As Archons, we stand as guardians of cosmic equilibrium, ensuring that the forces of creation and light prevail against the encroaching shadows. Our unity is the very linchpin that prevents the unraveling of the celestial order, and our commitment must burn brighter than the stars. Let the brilliance of our collective radiance dispel the looming darkness, for in the celestial symphony, each Archon plays an irreplaceable note, and it is through our unwavering dedication that the cosmic dance endures." -Asophiel, pillar of archons
Archons are the most powerful of the Celestial race.

Archons, within the celestial race, stand as exceptional and revered beings, transcending the general order with their extraordinary power and significance. Valiant warriors at the forefront of celestial forces, they embody ideals of justice, righteousness, and virtue. Archons are not merely celestial beings but symbols of the purest light, representing the pinnacle of celestial strength and moral integrity.

Pensive in their approach, archons are thoughtful and contemplative, reflecting the weight of their responsibilities. Their decisions are guided by a deep sense of purpose, considering the consequences and implications of their actions on the cosmic balance. These celestial beings possess a wisdom that goes beyond the ordinary, often sought after for their counsel and guidance.

  Archons shine as beacons of unwavering morality. Their righteousness is not just a characteristic; it is a fundamental aspect of their existence. Archons champion the cause of good, standing against the forces of darkness and chaos. They are defenders of cosmic order and guardians of the light, ensuring that virtue prevails over malevolence.

  The virtues they embody extend beyond physical prowess. Archons are paragons of moral and ethical values, setting an example for their celestial brethren. Their very presence inspires hope and courage, rallying celestial forces against the encroaching shadows. Whether leading armies in The Celestial War or guiding their kin in times of peace, archons symbolize the ideals that the celestial race aspires to uphold.

  In essence, archons are not just celestial warriors; they are living embodiments of the highest virtues, standing as stalwart defenders of the cosmic order and champions of the celestial realm's eternal light.


To become a Archon you must be a Archangel. Their are four classes of Archangels.

Third Class, newly appointed or weak archangels

Second Class, Archangels that are mildly powerful but nothing special, must be a third rank to promote to this

First Class, Archangels that are the most powerful among them and are in line for the rank of Archon

Special Rank, These Archons are special in what they do and can be promoted from any rank and are in line to become a Archon

Archangels are categorized by four classes. Third class, second class, first class and special rank. Third class are the newly appointed and weakest archangels, second class are those that have ascended through a number of means and aspire to be different from the masses. Then there is first class, which are the most powerful of the angels. These angels are candidates for the ascension to the rank of archangel. Lastly there is special rank which is granted to angels that have rare or unique gifts, these special ranks are also candidates for archons. But one of the major differences between first class and special rank is that to become first class, you must first be third class and then reach second and finally first class. But you can ascend to special rank directly from any class. An archangel can only ascend to archon once a spot has opened up, which rarely happens.

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