Second Orc Empire Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Second Orc Empire

The second orc empire, founded by the second Orc Overlord Ratbag the Exalted. It ruled over a massive amount of land and it's main way of rule was through faith and devotion. 

The empire would be destroyed with the death of Ratbag the Exalted at the hands of Oneiros the Destroyer

It was during this time that new orc traditons were made such as the making of the Orc Deities. Although only consisting of Uruk the Great and Ratbag the Exalted at the time, it will later expand to the 9 deities that it is today.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species

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