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The population of Oros is made up almost entirely of Dwarf who trace their origins to a group of anti-magic, anti-theist zealots who fled their original home in the Eastern Continent.   Traditionally insular and xenophobic, the people of Oros have diversified in the centuries since the fall of Katrin. Some still hold to the old ways, devoted to The Stone and shunning all the gods. However, in the first few decades following the divine upheaval the King of Oros converted to the worship of Mara, and many of his subjects joined him in devotion of the Lady of Righteous Wrath.   Remnants of the Cult of the Blighted  remain within the deepest caverns of Oros.   The society of Oros was traditionally divided into a system of castes noted below, but in the current era only elders and traditionalists keep these divisions strictly.   The Royal Family The title of King and Queen has been hereditary for the last few generations, however, Dwarves are also known to choose their rulers by appointment or popular vote. This is usually done when a ruler passes without an heir (direct or indirect), or when the future of the Dwarves is in jeopardy due to a particularly cruel or careless ruler.   Noble Caste The Noble Caste is made up of Noble Houses. Each house was founded by a Paradigm, a dwarf who performed a daring act of bravery on the battlefield, created something outstanding, or changed Dwarven life for the better. Aside from the Royal Family, the Nobles have the most power within society; they are the ones who vote in new powers and laws, and are often sent as representatives of the Royal Family to cities in and around Oros.   Warrior Caste The Warrior Caste is divided into smaller castes, consisting of Soldiers, Officers, and Bodyguards. Furthermore, some families are sworn to a particular Noble House, therefore having a higher position in society than others within the caste. The soldiers of this caste often marry early in life as their lives may be short and grim. Their days are often spent in drills and training, readying themselves for any and all potential threats against their King/Queen and homeland.   Smith Caste Dwarven smiths are highly respected within society. They create the weapons and armour the Warrior Caste need to serve. Some also craft tools needed by the Hunter-Gatherer Caste, for without those tools, the Dwarves don't eat. Children, regardless of gender, are expected to learn the craft as their ancestors did, however it is also acceptable for the women to marry and produce children for the caste. The Smiths can be very competitive amongst themselves, as the higher the quality, the more money they make. They can also partner together should a project prove too daunting, and split the profits between them. At least one Smith will travel with a group of soldiers to repair any damaged equipment.   Artisan Caste Artisans often work closely with the Smiths, though are less respected. They ornament goods created by the Smiths, engraving emblems into shields, adorning ceremonial weapons with gems, making sure the right sword has the right sheath. They are the clothiers, the jewellers, and weavers. They create their wares for profit, as well as create art for its own sake. Occasionally, a Noble will commission a particular Artisan to spruce up their living space.   Mining Caste Much of the Dwarves' wealth comes from Mining, and as such, the Mining Caste forms an important part of their society. They mine the stone, gems, and minerals the Smiths, Artisans, and Merchants need to produce and sell their wares. Their work generates a significant portion of revenue for the Dwarves.   Merchant Caste Merchant and Traders make up the Merchant Caste. They are one of the more respected castes as they provide revenue by buying and selling wares between the Dwarves and those outside. The trade routes most important to the Dwarves are the ones connecting them with Breth, Southridge, and the Elfin city of Aran Anadil (from where they always return with more than their fair share of wine).   Hunter-Gatherer Caste Hunters and Gatherers used to be their own separate castes, but eventually amalgamated into one, since they both provided food for their kin. Thus, the Hunter-Gatherer Caste was formed. The hunters provide much of the meat, while the gatherers grow and collect the grain, fruit, vegetables, berries, milk, cream, and cheeses. For many, livestock animals are treated with respect since they, not only provide food and drink, but often help their owners gather crops.   Servant Caste The Servant Caste makes up the bulk of Dwarven Society. Almost every household has help of some sort - a butler, nanny, a cook, a washerwoman, a maid, or a stable boy. Some in this caste originated in other castes, but either found themselves better fitted to servitude, or were lucky enough to be hired by those in the Noble Caste. They are the most numerous, and may not be looked upon highly by many, but they are some of the hardest working people within Dwarven society, and are often granted some respect for their work ethic.
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