The Mayor's Manor Plot in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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The Mayor's Manor

"Welcome to Mudwater, Duke Latchfoot." -Mayor Casran Fiddlesmith"

Plot points/Scenes

Setting the Stage

Bulgey, disinterested in the banter and planning at The Blushing Crow shortly after reaching Mudwater, questioned the barmaid Tryt Macom about the town and local government. Upon determining the location of the Mayor's Manor, and that Tryt wasn't picking up what he was putting down, he ventured out to the location, where he was stopped at the gates by a guard asking if he had an appointment. Seeing an opportunity, Bulgey announced himself as his practiced false persona Duke Orion Latchfoot, and requested a meeting with the Mayor. With an available time slot in her schedule the following morning at 9 am, Bulgey accepted the appointment, to return later.  

A Larger Turnout than Expected

The following morning, with additional information from the proprieter of The Blushing Crow, Caryton Feltz, a set of fine clothes, and Fork walking the perimeter, Duke Orion Latchfoot was escorted into the office of Mayor Casran Fiddlesmith by the steward, Millim Sinders. He found the room perhaps a bit more populated than he expected, as Mayor Casran introduced herself as the representative of the arm of the people, Lt. Commander Sanders Cobcastle as the representative of the arm of the king, and Priest at Arms Keph as the representative of the arm of the church . A very focused old dwarf, Rastle Pickfist, was writing feverishly in the corner; introduced as their meeting's stenographer.  

Navigating Dangerous Waters

Well prepared in his deception, Duke Orion Latchfoot began the discussion by introducing himself as an extraplanar diplomat looking to establish mutually beneficial ties with the kingdom. Casran explained that, as a remote, regional government, they were unable to offer him any meaningful discussion, as foreign diplomats must work with the king or his council in Riverbell, whereupon the details of the agreement are distributed throughout the kingdom to all relevant parties. The Duke expressed that any assistance that they COULD offer would be greatly appreciated, and interpreted by his government as a sign of goodwill.   At this point Lt. Commander Sanders Cobcastle speaks up. An imposing military veteran of both the army and the guard, he is suspicious in general, and especially of those asking for things. He grilled the Duke in regards to the nature of his travel, such as his apparent lack of an entourage, guard, or aids, along with why he would make his way to a backwater industrial town for such a mission. Recognizing the risk of getting cornered in a lie, Orion stepped carefully through his answers, aided in his deception unwittingly by a sympathetic Keph, who recognized the gnome as one of the group that had rescued the girls the evening prior.   Mayor Casran Fiddlesmith, appearing to settle on protocol, offered Duke Orion Latchfoot and his entourage passage with an upcoming, guarded, trade caravan, due to leave for Riverbell in two days. The Duke, recognizing potential opportunities moving forward, graciously accepted, and the meeting was adjourned.  

The Best Laid Plans

Escorted out to the road by Millim, Bulgey regroups with Fork, who expresses his respect that Bulgey, seemed to enter and leave without problems occurring. Bulgey began to explain the nature of his ruse as they walked back to The Blushing Crow, only for their discussion, and any plans they might establish, to be interrupted by the sudden crashing of the sun to the earth over the horizon.

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