Our "d'town d&d" game Session 1: The Unexpected Gathering
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Session 1: The Unexpected Gathering

2/6 13:00
3/6 6:00

The formation of the party in Morrow, through the end of their first day at the burned out farmstead.

A Frustratingly Insufficient Introduction

The party finds itself unceremoniously formed in the village square of Morrow, dumped from strange portals of purple and green, which collapse into strange elementals that begin attacking the town. Dispatching of the creatures before any serious damage was done, the party was approached by Sissybell Pimm, who upon realizing just how lost these people were, offered to take them to the village's tavern.   At the tavern, they were introduced to Geras Vinefoot, who between him and Sissybell did their best to unravel some of the confusion the party was having. They explained to the party that they were in the Kingdom of Light's Crest , in the village of Morrow, east of Mudwater. They expressed that any answers of a magical sort would likely require them to travel to Riverbell, the capital and most prominent local place of learning. Pointing to a map of the kingdom over the mantle, they expressed that the group's best option to getting there involved first travelling west, through Mudwater and down The King's Road.   Sissybell expressed that, should the party need a place to stay in Mudwater, her daughter Cahri Pimm works at a tavern called The Broken Oar, and would likely offer them free lodging if they explained their situation. Geras expressed that they'll know when they're near Mudwater as they'll come across an old wizard's tower, where his old friend Lorrel Frostfrazzle lives. They were also warned of an old battlefield ruin, where Barba Kittletoe, a patron sitting nearby, explained was a fun place to explore, but worth avoiding at night. Bulgey encouraged her to join them as a guide, but she wasn't interested. The village of Grasstop was also along their path to Mudwater, but likely too out of the way, and insignificant, to warrant a visit. Olvo Shale, the other patron present in the tavern, noted Brian's lineage as an aarakocra, mentioning that he'd seen some of his kind before crewing some of the ships that made stops in Ferry End.  

On the Road

The group set out on Brian's urging, with direction and purpose, towards Mudwater. During their travel along the road, Brian spotted smoke rising from the south, prompting a dash into the fields by Tilly and Maldwyn, the rest of the party chasing behind. They came across what appeared to be a burned out remnant of a farmstead, with Stirges, a Smoke Mephit, and a scarecrow construct. Dispatching of the creatures, the party found little but the charred remains of whoever had once inhabited this place. The party investigated further, while Bulgey took the opportunity to urinate on the charred remains, before a disapproving glare from Vita stopped him from going further.   Exhausted and confused, the party decided to rest here for the evening. Brian on watch, noted that the night sky offered stars he was familiar with (albeit notably offset), giving him some solace that he, at least, was from this world; a comfort that Fork and Vita could not take themselves on their corresponding watches.

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